It's hump day


Active Member
Nov 8, 2001
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Good Morning all,

The donuts and muffins is on the table,the coffee and tea is hot and the OJ is ice cold.I have also added some hot chocolate for those who may like to have a cup.

I did mange to keep that little furball out of the donuts by giving that furball left overs from yesterday...

Nelson,enjoy your R&R...

Well,I am off to the hobby shop today to pick up another N scale industrial building for my future N scale layout.

Have a nice day all! :D
Morning Brakie, and anyone else who might show up.:p

Don't rightly know what it's like here in downtown Cincinnati as I got in here about 6 am and it was plenty dark. I'll go back out at 5:30 pm and it'll still be dark.... well from my point of view. basically I have four days a week I never get out of the dark so to speak. Now this differs from the other three days when I do get out of the dark, mentally that is!:D

Now that I've finished that little speech, I'll have a tall cup of decaf and one of those un-licked sweet-rolls overthere. I'll sit here in the corner and watch the spectile as the sleepy eyed stumble there way in for an eye opener.
I will have a hot cup of coffee with a little something extra. We are still having ugly weather with wind, rain, and chilly temperatures. The wet leaves on the road are making rush hour driving around Philadelphia interesting. Nothing like watching some moron talking on the cell phone while drinking a cup of coffee trying to keep his SUV under control on the slippery roads. Needless to say there were accidents all over the place.

Finished two more coal loads. Also finished my last can of Dullcoat. Need to make a trip to the LHS to get more Dullcoat and coal. Also continued working on the base for the Northern Light and Power kit. Need to get some ballast or small stones for the parking area around it.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning Brakie and all.

Darn it!! I almost stepped on that critter that was running away from under the table. I thought you said he had been fed. I'll take a roll from the bottom of the stack and a hot coffee and watch what he does next.

I need to get awake so I can do some more wiring under the layout. Put 1/2 of one mainline bus in last night (about 85 feet of wire. and I'll work on the black wire today and solder the feeders.

Whoever invented this hobby should have made wiring for DCC easier.:D :D

Have a good day all and try to stay dry.:) :)
A late good morning to everyone. I'll have a cup of decaf, thanks.

I had hoped to have pictures of my latest MoW car to post today, but for some reason I couldn't get the lighting right last night. So I'll have to try again later today.

I finally finished cutting back all of the shrubs around the house. Now I get to prune back and cover all of the roses. This business of getting stuff ready for winter is starting to resemble work. :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

Have a good day, everyone.:)
Sun's up, and it looks like a great day in Chicago this mornin'.
I'll have a cup, and a doughnut.
Does that critter dig?, I need a new tunnel.
Time to head out and check the rest of the gauge to see what's goin' on. Take care,
;)Hey, I didn't know this was 'Bring yer camel to work day'.!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, good morning ya'll and thanks for openning the B-room there Mr. Brakie. I need plenty o' coffee to keep me a goin' today. Ya'll have a great day out there and keep on a railroadin'.:D
Good Afternoon Everyone!

Well after two days of listing to budget problems and we have to do more with less people. I think I'd like to help the elimination of people by getting rid of the policy makers!:D
Hi all, thanks for opening Brakie, will try drop by and grab a cup of that hot choc that your offering, busy morning today, got to go get some parts for the tractor and some dog food, try a quick slip into the hobby shop then its back home and off to bed, have to work nights tonight and tomorrow. Going to hit the hay a little sooner today so can sit and read a rr book for a while then off to dream land. I'm off this weekend and with heavy rain and winds in the forcast it will give me some time to work on the layout, talk with everyone later. Play safe. Ron..