Imcold's X-Wing in 1/72


Midnight Modeler
Apr 30, 2009
Florida, USA
Thought I would start a seperate thread for this build, so far I'm well into the fuselage. Dnalor did a big one, I'm doing a little one lol.


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Wow, she looks beautiful! :)
It looks like you are off to a really good start. I am curious as to how this will turn out.
What you have so far looks SPOT ON!
Looking good sidewinder, what will the overall length be? 8 inches?
Looks great.

i did it extra large...and had some fights with some parts..(the wall part with all those corners on the droid plate)
Impossible deeds...

Work is progressing slowly, just not much time lately. But here's a little more, its not perfect but I'm happy.


You've said it all. It doesn't need to be perfect, but if you're happy, I think we all are. YOU should be your harshest critic, and that's it.
Perfection is not of this world, you'll hear a lot of people say, but we can always do our best.
If you ask me, it looks great! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :cool: :cool:
The detailing between the R2 Unit looks great! :)
Oh believe me I'm well aware of UHU02's magnificent model, in this case however i want this X-wing to be ready to kick a**, not be in the middle of a maintenance cycle lol
I don't think a comparison of these two models is really needed. Also, Imcold's is ready to go, but they are in a sense two very different models. UHU's, with all the inside detail would be awesome for the centerpiece of a diorama, with Imcold's parked right next to it, ready to go.

Point is, two brilliant designers giving their work away. Who's to say which is better. One is done, the other isn't. Even then, they will have differences. Maybe be interchangeable parts, would be really interesting. :)
You make a good point, UHU's would be GREAT in a dio, with mechanics swarming all around it with little wrenches, I can see it in my mind, somebody please build that!
I used to run a small airport F.B.O. on the weekends, back when I used to fly. No two planes are alike. They can be the same model, the same year, but you always find differences. That's the way with paper models too, and the Star Wars universe is big enough to accommodate many variations of the same thing. :)