I'm making a donation

Gil Finn

Active Member
Aug 28, 2005
Bergoo W Va
If 300 users sent in $10 this 3k would be covered.

I am resolved to shut up about slow speeds and send in a contribution to fix the forum once and for all.

Anyone else want to do that?

Gil Finn

>>>---------> What’s taking so long? It’s a significant investment for me. Till now, I’ve tried to be very light on the advertising. You’ve seen little more than some Google ads on the forum pages. Sadly, Google doesn’t pay all that well. Barely enough to keep up with the expenses. The initial outlay for the new server for the next 12 months (including hardware, bandwidth, and admin) is $3,048. <----------<<<
I offered that idea in a previous thread , but Ralph the owner supposedly doesnt want any $$$ for the site. I mentioned that i subscribe to many model rr magazines for alot of $$$ and I get alot of useless information and information that was aqcuired from "the gauge".. Id be willing to kick more that $3 towards it..I think if it was just a Donation type deal - anonymously ,so that no one will be intimidated into donating...
Im game... If there was an address to send $$$ anonymously - Ill send in some cash, and its tax deductible as well..
Unfortunately speeding up a web server isn't a one shot deal. It's a re-occuring cost.

http://www.gtplanet.net has a "premium member" option where you get more forum related functionality, a special private subforum, and ad-free browsing. It isn't required to subscribe but it sure makes it nicer. They offer monthly and annual subscriptions. I believe everything is built into vBulletin options - the admin just has to configure it. Might be worth looking into. GTPlanet's admin's handle is "Jordan" ... because that's his name. He's a super nice guy and very helpful, if you have any questions. Be sure to tell him LoudMusic sent you - My join date at GTP is Oct 16 2001, so we've been chatting for nearly 5 years now.
Hookinlad, when Ralph (A Moderator) answered your question, "Peter" the actual owner didn't want any donations... Now he's asking for any help hwe can give him, in moving to a new server.

LoudMusic: Peter knows there are annual fees, as we all do.. The money he needs now, is to move us and for all the fees associated with buying what's needed. The announcement is here

Any help would be appreciated... And no - we don't want to start memberships. The concept of The gauge was always that it be a no charge site.

~~ Thanks!!!