I'm A Happy Camper


More Trains Than Brains
Dec 4, 2006
St. Joseph, MO
Just won a set of 12 induvidually numbered BN boxcars made by Roundhouse on eBay. Still in their cases and unassembled. For what I paid for them, it averaged out to about $4.50 a car.

Just won a set of 12 induvidually numbered BN boxcars made by Roundhouse on eBay. Still in their cases and unassembled. For what I paid for them, it averaged out to about $4.50 a car.


$4.58.333333333333333333333 Plus shipping to be exact. :)

Nice buy! :)
I'm not so happy now.

The seller doesn't accept PayPal so I sent him a money order this afternoon to his address in South Dakota which was provided by eBay. Tonight I get an e-mail from him saying that he forgot to update his user info and now lives in Wyoming.

I e-mailed him back and told him, "I hope you left a forwarding address with the post office."

Whats the worst that happens. he relist it on ebay (cant say nothing bad about you because his info on where he was SD verses WY) was false.
I'm with these guys.
First...When was the auction started? Funny he would post an auction..And not change his address in his profile(Hmmmm).
He forgot that he moved?...Doesen't take PayPal?.....
Soemthings not right.....

But if it is legit...What a deal!!!
Don't worry guys.
If I don't hear anything out of him within a week, I will cancel the money order. If he's already cashed it, I'll give him until the end of that week to deliver. If he doesn't deliver, I'll go through eBay channels to get mine back.

If that doesn't work, I have a freind that lives in Colorado. He used to work as a private investigator/bounty hunter and now does collections and repos. This guy could track anybody down from just their used gum wrapper. (Ok that might be a exaggerating a bit but I do have the dude's IP addy from his e-mails. People aren't too hard to find after that. :twisted: )