Lower body - center section - top view
Added the center engine / docking bay. Note the overgluing on the center section. It lines up with the bezel ring. Apply pressure gently to fit the center engine in place then add glue around the periphery. Feel free to add multiple layers of glue due to the tendency to have gaps around the edges.
Lower body - center section - bottom view
Note the bezel area of the center section. Note also the application of the saucer sections. Place these on first before applying the lower body onto the main hull. When applying the saucers curl the edges under slightly and start from the side closest the the center bezel and move away form the bezel. Make sure to glue in stages a few tabs at a time to ensure good contact. Apply pressure from the bottom and top. The pressure flattens out the saucers to conform to the flat portion of the lower body.
The lower main body is added to the lower main hull. Start from the back and work towards the front.

Top view
Just line up the rear with the template. Make sure that the edges are colored first before gluing the tabs underneath.
Make sure to press the end FLAT and hold in place.
View of the front
Note the colored edges. Make sure to hold down both sides on either side on a flat body before advancing to the front.
Main body glued to lower body.

Side view
Top hull section
The tab at the front has been cut and reglued to the template.
Once the hull is glued together, glue one of the front or rear curved sections of the top first (NOT BOTH), then the center and lastly the last curved area. When done it should look like below.
Overglue the ends to seal any gaps and to strengthen the model.

Upper hull done. Once the top is glued to the upper hull, make sure to add a slight downwards curvature to the top hull.
Upper and lower hulls ready to be joined.
That's it for now.
Sky Seeker