I Quit too


Feb 13, 2007
to Ohio
After 54 years in a club it is hard to quit, but I just had to do it. For the first time in all those years I have been smoke free for a month, and I don't have the urge to smoke. I have been cutting back for over a year, but had to go cold turkey to make the final cut. It hasn't bothered me a bit. sign1(like hell) but I think I have passed the critical stage.
I have saved enough money for a new locomotive that I don't need. Maybe I'll by a smoke unit for my M-1a :mrgreen:
Good for you charlie!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

I remember when I quit. I was driving down the road with my 7 year old son. Out of nowhere he asks:
"Daddy, is smoking bad for you?"
I hesitated, then answered, "Yes it is".
"Then why do you do it?" he asked............
I never smoked again. That was 8 years ago. :winker:
After smoking for forty-some years I was surprised to find that I can hardly stand to be near a smoker,and to get in a car that is smoked in nearly makes me sick
Thanks for the kind words to all of you. now if I could just quit drinking. I had a beer about 8 weeks ago I think and it was only about 6 months prior to that when I had the other one, so I have reached my yearly limit. After 2 a year they don't taste good anymore.:mrgreen:

aussie Moderation in all things Charlie! :)

After smoking for forty-some years I was surprised to find that I can hardly stand to be near a smoker,and to get in a car that is smoked in nearly makes me sick
When I quite, I had to stop drinking beer and stop shooting pool. When I shot pool (I belonged to a billiard league at work), I always drank beer, and when I drank beer I wanted to smoke. I quit cold turkey over 40 years, and yes, about a year later I could go into a bar or a pool hall without the desire to smoke. Oh yeah, I never realized how bad those places really smelled until I quite smoking.:cry: :cry:

Charlie, go for it, resist all temptations to go back, your health and you finances will improve tremendously. :thumb::thumb:
Good one, Charlie, with the title of your thread: you "got me" with that one. ;):-D
Congratulations on your accomplishment - it's nice to know that you'll still be around (in more ways than one!) :thumb::thumb:

Well done, keep at it Charlie. Its worth the effort.

Almost 40 years of smoking and I quit eight months ago. It only bothers me when I'm awake. But, the good health and energy levels far outweigh the foul taste, stale smoke smell, and money up in smoke. I even go to the gym every day. Who wouda thought!

The urges die down in intensity and frequency eventually. :)