I cant believe my eyes PRR on C&O


lester perry

Yes it is true I allowed PRR power onto my layout. How disgusting can it get.


I know the C&O has so much business it needed to lease some power. :)

Horrors! I am appalled! Quickly (and securely) package those abominations, and wrap them in plain brown paper, then forward them to me for safe disposal.:D
Hey, Les, it's pretty hard to mistake anything Pennsy for anything else, but those are some nice lookin' units. I've always preferred FA's over plain F-units too. Great looking photo, too, and a nice job on the induction antennas.:thumb:

I must admit it is not mine. A friend just got it and is still planning / building his layout. So he NEEDED to see it run. I said "come on down". It runs real nice but not good slow speed.