how to take pictures from one site to another?


Aug 26, 2004
Hi, i was wondering if there is some way to take a picture from one site and put it on this site?

I added this pic as a way of walking through the process so I'd remember it all. :)

1. Right click on the image. You'll get a window that should include the option "properties"

2. Left click on "properties" and you'll see a URL for the pic.

3. Highlight this URL and right click on it

4. You should get a window that includes the option "copy". Left click on "copy"

5. Close the image and open your post to The Gauge ( use the "Go Advanced" option if you're replying to a thread.

6. Left click on the icon in the little tool bar that looks like a picture of a mountain with a yellow background. When you place your cursor on it it reads "insert image".

7. A window will pop up near the top of your screen. Place your cursor in it and right click. You'll see the option "paste". Left click on paste and the URL for the pic will appear in the box.

8. Hit OK and your image should now appear in your post.

Remember that this applies to your own pictures! Don't post pics of other people's work. Add a link to those only to avoid copyright and bandwidth issues! thanks!

Computer savy folks...did I get that all right? :)