ho layout

G'day Fitter and welcome to our little home. :)

I'm not familiar with Power-loc track, but I'm sure someone is. No reponses doesn't mean you haven't been heard, just that few must use it, so they have "no comment". I'm sure someone will have something to say. :)

Well, I did, anyway. :D
Hi Fitter

I am using a stretch of Life-Like Power-Loc track, mainly because a package I bought on eBay came with a bunch of it. It will, however, be used high up at the very back of the layout and will mostly be hidden behind the terrain. If you just want a track for your trains to run around o like under the Christmas tree it's fine. But if you want something that looks even remotely realistic go with something like snap or flex track (preferably nickel/silver). In the end it's cheaper too. Good luck

Power-Lok Track...

Hi, Fitter!

My On30 set came with Bachmann's version of Power-Lok, called E-Z Track, and it has proven to be useful for my son who likes to occaisionally set up "his OWN layout" on the living room floor.

Perhaps it could also be used for later hidden trackage. (?)