HO Bachmann Spectrum 44 ton to HOe/HOn3 Oahu Railway GE 47 ton

lv4142003 said:
Canopus, did you finish the 47 tonners ? I haven't been here for a while and wondered if I missed the finish. lv4142003

No I didn't, and every time someone brings this thread back or mentions the project it reminds me that I REALLY need to get on with it!

Since I last posted, I've built my own self contained motor unit, which uses a mashima motor to give power to a single axle. I need to get around to finishing the trucks, because I've also managed to lose one of the truck frames, so I'll have to fabricate one. I still need to build the chassis, and find some wire to do the handrails. But once I've done that the model will be complete.

I'm currently at the start of a week's holiday, so I should have plenty of time to do some modelling!
Hello ,
where can I find the drawing ? Have some thoughts to build the 47ton in Sn3.
How did I miss this

Good work, glad to see some work in this area. I like the looks of this animal. I have been giving some consideration as to weather the same conversion I used on the bachman GE 70 tonner (over in the Hon3 engine shops thread) would work with one of the center cab Ho GE units

thanks for sharing.