HMS Norfolk Type 23 frigate 1/200


Thanks for that. I got the Nimitz from there but I can't log into the forum bit at the moment. Cookies uncooked or something. I shall try again later. I hope I can find the solution.
Norfolk Upper Bridge deck

Hi All

Just got back from visiting new family additions (how does something so tiny makes so much noise,one thing about being a smoker is great grandad needs a nicotine sandwich in the garden). I had to do a bit of cutting and sticking fingers have got stiff from non use.

The front windows need some adjustments the fit is not right as yet but it's getting there. Sorry the colours are a bit hopeless on flash.

At least the double kick on the bridge worked out.

Some careful redrawing of the ladders will be necessary here !!

The windows are too crude at the moment but it will be a case of ow far can you go with the detail at this scale probably again a reasonable attempt plus one for the loonies.

There needs to be a very slight inset on the upper bridge to match the inset on the lower bridge not to big a problem.
Funnel complex

Hi All

Long slow job but the first draft of the funnel complex is almost ready for a test build.

I've tried to not use lines on the edges to make it look a bit better I found an easy way of doing it by accident draw the fold lines and the outline of the part in black then use paint bucket to fill the area with black, and lastly fill with the base colour of the part.(sory if you all know this allready)

Wotcher, bazzer!:)

Lucky for us you're back at this beautiful build design once again!

While I'm sure there are quite a few that knew that trick to avoid fold lines, I did not and thank you for mentioning it. Always happy to learn a new trick!

Moving right along smartly, I see; I'm looking forward to your next update, mate!

Hi All

In many ways I think whoever designed this ship is a frustrated cardmodeller it's almost all straight angles and square ends. There is a lot of detail to be added to make the most of the model, enough ladders to keep me stressed for days for a start. The top radar and horns will be tricky to make them look right. There is still a full hull to test as well before getting to the Beta stage so lets not get cocky this is the easy bit!!!!!

Wotcher, bazzer!:)

Hey, those test builds look really good...I like the way those line-less folds turned out. Seems to be a very nice fit, was it? I take it these assemblies are not yet glued to one another either.
One question about the bridge windows...are there any structures between the planes of glass? I seem to recall something there, that's all....

Keep at it mate, she's coming along brilliantly!

Deck check

Not really that interesting but it's about 8 hours work on the deck so far and about the same again to get it anywhere near finished. The deck houses seem to fit and the sponson decks appear to line up with the hull sides. Biggest question is will it fit over the hull it looks like frame 6 will be a slight problem.


The bridge windows should have an bevelled edge inside the current frames shown and what appears to be a box above each for a screen wiper drive. I can probably design it, but whether I would be able to fold such small parts..... not sure. The deck houses fitted very well but then they are fairly simple anyway and you are right thay are not stuck together.


Comparison view old and new Norfolk is about 2.5 sheets of A4 paper in length

My printer still needs a new cartridge but I am too tight to change it until I get to the real printing or it runs out.
Waterline hull section

First mockup of the waterline hull appears to have the right angles in the vertical plane formers fit well the main deck will probably need some trimming due mainly to curve fitting problems. I used the backing card from notepads to form the strengthening of the hull formers. The whole of the frame will need a light sanding to blend with hull sides something new to me before I have always used thinner materials. I will have to stop here and go back to place the anchor housings correctly into the frames and also the aft lower deck. The underwater hull will be the conventional formers added below the waterline keel plate another first for me.

Looking really great, bazzer!:)

Just one word of caution, based on my wooden ship building experience; check the heights of the frame former tops carefully to be sure it's a nice, fair curve from station to station, and from center line to the edges. Could be the thin main deck creating an illusion, but I think your photo might show some high spots in one or two of the forward frames and a low spot in one of the after frames. Maybe using a thicker main deck piece will show any possible problems better, if there are any problems at all. If you can you want to avoid such bumps to prevent a deck that looks buckled in spots, particularly when everything is glued up.

My, but she has some nice lines, bazzer!

Really looking forward to seeing more of this mockup.

hull frames

Hi jim

Old Hawkeye rides again frames 5, 10 and 12 need adjusting and the spine needs gluing down to take some spring out of it as you say it would make a hump in the decks most of it is down to my eyes I think, luckily this thick card sands quite well so it should not be too much trouble it will have to wait until I make the other mods first.

Bow pic

No progress just the shot I could not get with flash going, like Jim says it has got beautiful lines.

Hanger and bow missile vertical launchers

Hi All

Another couple of fairly square boxes last large part is the main mast tower. The missile housing is a bit difficult to glue together did not quite line up the top edges


I took your advice and hopefully trimmed all the formers square.

Hull sides

Hi All

This is just a paper pattern for the hull sides tacke glued (fits where it touches!!!) still need to work out the anchor hawse hole construction and the stern cutout.



Sorry mate this is about the best you will get for a couple of days got to work on the full hull undersides now.

Sleek! Man that thing looks like it's already slicing through the waves.

Good work Barry! Jim's right........... she got nice lines!

Nice job Barry. I'm speechless.

Once you get all the kinks worked out, you should market this model design. There's not enough "contemporary" ship models out there to be found.
Underwater hull

Hi All

This could be egg on the face time never built a full hull before this one. As you can see it is an addon to the waterline hull. I will never be a Rob or a Scorpio for accuracy so I have built in some ways of getting round the join of the hull, the underwater plates will overlap under the hull sides and then a thin paper overlay to form the black boot topping to hide the c**p joints.

Dang fine idea. That way you get a clean line at the waterline!8) :grin:

If you print that on lighter weight paper it would not even be noticed........... except by extremely sharp-eyed nic-pickers! Most of those types talk the talk but can even hold a candle to your walk Barry!

Underwater hull continued

Hi All

Well so far not so bad, leaving the "handles(white bits)" on the edges of the plates is very useful it gives you somewhere to grip when pulling the plate into place on the former. One thing I learned is when fitting the glueing strips do not wrap them over the bottom of the vertical hull plate it throws all the measurements out so it goes on a strip each side.

As Tim once pointed out where you put the point is where it comes out and in this case the fit I was trying for was too perfect so to get round the fault I selectrd the top edges of the underwater hull in Metsequioa and gave them a quick "PULL" upwards worked a treat.

The second pic shows all the white edge bits under flash but as Christoph paints his ship bottoms I think a coat of acrylic will fix it. Had to stop, started to get glue spots on it. I used UHU it gives just enough time to move the part about.

Next job is to plaster the bow with superglue all the sanding the front edge is weakening it.

Jim, John and Elbwarrior

Thanks for the kind words and the encouragement if the hull comes out right I shall certainly think of marketing it, long way to go yet.