Hi from the UK


New Member
May 2, 2008
Lichfield, UK
I'm Robin, dormant for a good few years. Lurking on the other site on and off. Nice to see the new Zealot site. Some nice features on it.

Will be good to chat with other UK modellers.

Hello Robin,

I am glad to see that you have decided to come out from the shadows and join in on the fun.
Now we are still working on getting all of the bugs worked out. So please be patient.

Is there a particular genre that you are interested in, or anything in particular that you are looking for?

If you have any questions, comments, concern, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again welcome. I hope that you will enjoy yourself here.
Thanks for the welcome.

Quite a few likes.....


Modern civil airliners (im gathering together as many as I can and then scaling them to one common scale)

Cold war Russian aircraft

Jet era bombers

X-planes (mission is to collect/design and build and show all of the X-planes)

Modern tanks

Star Wars ships

Alien (the film) themed papercraft (any Prometheus papercraft out there?)

Interesting/unique special purpose civilian ships (Blue Marlin?), Russian Satellite Tracking ship, that ultra complex oil rig servicing ship, mega tankers/shipping container ships

Modern cruise liners

Attack helicopters

Silent Hill/Resident Evil (for my partner)

Animal Crossing (partner again)

Doctor Who (yep, partner again)

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (and again :))

As you can see. Plenty to keep me out of trouble :)

It looks like you have a WIDE variety of interests!!!
If you have built any of these, by all means please post photos!!!
I look forward to seeing your work!!!
Just learning butt joints at moment. Wish me luck!

First off, GOOD LUCK!!!

Second, The best what that I found to help with practice with butt joints, it to take some extra scrap cardstock and cut out squares, triangles, and other shapes like that and just glue them together and have a little fun with it until you feel that you are ready to attempt it with a regular model. That way, you will not frak up the model that you want to build using this technique.

I started of making pyramids, boxes, and other basic shapes like that.

Work with it and once again, GOOD LUCK!!!

I look forward to seeing your work!!!
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When glueing parts edge-to-edge (butt joints), use extra layers of cardstock along the edge of the part being glued, to increase the amount of gripping area.
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