Hi from Germany


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
i am locking for papercraft to build a simply little town for my son and his toycars. And then accidentally i discovered this forum by locking some places for cardtoys. It simply amazing what is possible with paper. I hope to find time to build some of this incredible models.
First i will build some houses and a firestation. An my son can play firefigther in his town.

so long

Impressed by the models i've seen here i actually make my first own Model. Just to try how it works.
I using the 3d sketchupmodel of my own house and use paint and infranview to "paint" an arange the walls.
It wasn't easy to find the right dimensions so that all fit's.
Is there an good tuturial for inscape or just learnig by doing.

Here are the Photo, the Sketchup model, Papersheet and the paper " modell" ( just after my son getting it ;) )

How i can get the right scale for the modell? Is there any program where i can define a scale like 25 pixels is 1 cm?

Haus-real-Papercraft.png Haus-3D-Papercraft.png Haus-Papercraft6.png Haus-build-Papercraft.png
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Thanks for the link. exsspecily the second. I spent the 4 Days locking the links, wich led me to nice towns. And i build my son an Lighthouse form the chicago website, 6 time greater the the original plan and one in the nornmal scale form plan.
He love the light house. In his words papa and son lighthouse. His is the big one ;)
Now i try to make an firestation of my own. the second "prototype" of our firestaion in the village we life is complete. I have some trouble with the textures, but i will post later the finished work.

2014-02-28 23.08.02.jpg
Unglaublich! Beautiful workmanship. www.paper-replika.com has many many buildings and architectural models. There are models there of just about everything else also. They are all FREE too. :)