Hi Everyone

Doug T

New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I just joined this forum today. My name Doug Tome and I am presently modeling in large scale trains for the past 12 years. I had been in HO for 35 years and decided to switch when I retired.
My other hobby is woodworking and I build all my models for my indoor G scale layout. The layout is L shaped 55 ft by 25 ft and is basically a loop with several passing tracks and 2 yards. This fills 3/4ths of our basement.
My working career was in logistics. I was involved in all phases of transportation (railcar loading/unloading, truck loading/unloading, air shipments, shipment scheduling) at various levels. My company was a world wide company and I spent a lot of years in overseas shipping via conatiner and air shipments.
Welcome aboard
You won't find a better bunch of guys anywhere. Full of information and funlovers. No slamming or personal bashing here. Just a great place.
I operate a short line near Pittsburgh, Pa and live in Ohio
Thanks for the kind words. I do have pictures of my buildings. I am not sure if I know how to post pictures here. I can't locate any information on posting pictures. My pictures are sized 640 by 480 and is that a good size for here?
I do have some of the pictures sitting on a G scale web site. I also have them available as an attachment that I can send as an e mail.
We've had some recent technical problems with our own direct photo loading but I thought it was recently worked out. There was a thread I could link you to to give you instructions but i'm not seeing it right now.

You can load photos to threads by posting them to the Gauge Gallery. Click on the link to the Gallery above to get started. Otherwise you can use a photo hosting site like photobucket (search under that name on google for example and you'll get right there. Start an acount and its easy to upolad pics). Your 640 X 480 size would be no problem on our site. We'd be able to view the image without having to drag the screen from side to side.