Hello, I am back!!!

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
Greetings and salutations to all and to all HELLO!!!

After being go for so long, I have had another book to write in my like (since my life is not made up of simple chapters, it is book). I am now back and I now have the time to devote time to the forum once again. So consider this my official letter of return!!!
As for me returning to my previous position of Administrator, that will be determined by both the site admin and Crowdgathers staff.

I am looking forward to getting back to making models and participating in the forum once again.
What? Where? When? Why?

JESUS - THAT'S AWESOME!!!! Life gave my whip master back!!!! YAY!!!! Time to get crackin'!





What a Xmas surprise!!!! Welcome back, pal!!!
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Funny, because we have talked so much, but I am genuinely happen you have been able to slow down!! Kudos to you,a well executed plan for a new turn of the page. :adamicon: "So Say we ALL!!"
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Welcome back master builder! :animated:Love your thunderfighter builds! :Bravo: Looking forward to your input on other projects.

Have a great day!:)

Sky Seeker
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Welcome back master builder! :animated:Love your thunderfighter builds! :Bravo: Looking forward to your input on other projects.

Have a great day!:)

Sky Seeker

I am glad that you like my Thunderfighter builds. You can use any techniques that I have posted for your builds.thumbsup
I am planning on rebuilding my entire collection (as well as new models). So please stay tuned!thumbsup
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