Hello from Austria

Andy Nase

New Member
Apr 29, 2013

I am 39 years old and live in Austria, to be exact I stay in Graz. Sorry about my bad english. A few years ago I started with cardmodeling again after a long pause. My favourite objects are the World War 1 Planes of the german and austrian air force. I like all the stuff of the early years of the 20th century.
I am here to learn more techniques for building models. :mrgreen:

Greets Andy
Andy, Welcome to the forum!! There are many high quality FREE WW1 model aircraft available. Feel free to post any pictures of models you may have already built and also, if you are looking for something in particular, list it, someone may know where you can get it. Welcome to Zealot!! :)
Hello and welcome to the forum.
There is no need to apologize for your English. If you are having problems, you can always use google translator (www.translate.google.com)
Even though this is a US based forum, we have many members from all over the world and all of them know that they are ALWAYS welcomed here.

If you have any questions, comment, need advice or help, please feel free to ask. We will do what ever we can to help you (even if it is pointing you in the right direction.

Once again, welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing your work.

Welcome, Andy!

I'm posting this for a few reasons:
1 - to welcome you!!!
2 - to show you that anyone can understand what you've written, so please, do not apologize;
3 - to emphasize what the Moderators wrote.

You see, I'm from Brazil, and I could understand totally what you've written. And there's Google, should you ever need it!
I don't need to repeat what has already been written, but I can say that the ambience here is as good as it gets, and the moderators are here to help. Well, everyone here likes to help and wants you to succeed.
Remember: Zealot is special because WE make it so!:thumb: