Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks BILLK Only in Canada do we celebrate Thanksgiving now as to do so later like those in the US do, would be too long after harvest and too cold in this neck of the woods.
I would never consider Australians boring Woodie. Do you celebrate Guy Fawkes day in November?
We Canadians find we are so fortunate to have such great neighbours and friendships with many other countries.
We are truly blessed

I think we postpone thanksgiving until November because it just gets so darn boring in the winter :D ...I wasn't aware that Canada celebrated Thanksgiving. I think Halloween is a morbid and somewhat paganistic holiday, but I do enjoy it (well, before I married a Jehoviah's Witness who doesn't celebrate with me...but that is another story, she is very sweet). Well happy Thanksgiving to all...
The only good thing about Halloween: CANDY CORN

Is it because our harvest times are later in the year that we celebrate Thanksgiving in November? Of course, in South Texas in the Rio Grande Valley, they grow just about all year long. As Garrison Keillor said, "Big JUICY tomatoes. Not those little hard, green ones they strip mine down in Texas." hehehehehe


My wife is partial to the candy pumpkins (and they have to be Brach's). Candy corn, Candy pumpkins, it's all sugar to me...Yummy!:D

Nope. Don't do Guy Fawkes day now either. Banned that. Everyone kept blowin' 'emselves up! It's the land of the longweekend though. Do have a holiday for a horse race. The Melbourne Cup. (1st Tuesday in November) And one for the Queen's Birthday as well. (2nd weekend on June). Last Monday was a holiday as well. No reason at all for that one!:D
Well, here in the States, we have Thanksgiving and Christmas a month apart...and that's sometimes two turkey dinners! Of course, Christians can eat ham on Christmas...to relieve the monotony! :)


P.S. - One year here recently, my mother-in-law wanted to do something different for Thanksgiving, so she made enchiladas. Ole'! Viva el Gringos!