Happy Birthday Spitfire!

Your Birthday...Have A Happy One!!!

Well Dog-Gone...If I hadda known sooner I would have baked you a cake:) :D

But since I didn't we'll do the next best thing......:) :D

We gonna roll Ezra's Private car into town and have a celebration there:) ....all the members of the board will be there and we will have a real Robber Barron/Baroness Party!!:) :D We'll even break into Ezra's private stock of liquor and cigars!!!:) :D

The menu is.....Oysters Rockafella, Prime Filet, and Baked Alaska!!:) :D Followed by Fireworks and THE RETURN OF ELVIS!!!

Thank you so much everyone! I'll have a piece of cake in your honour (but not one for each of you!)

I just want to say that this is my 16th time being 39 and I'm getting better at it every time! I'll see you all onboard Ezra's private car!!!!!

Just made it in time...

Hello Val!

I'm so glad that I returned from my holidays just in time to congratulate you to your birthday.
:) :) :) :) .... :) :) (a little bit more than 39 times! :D)

Lots of time to do what you REALLY want, complete satisfaction with all your work, always a good friend when you really need one - these are my wishes for you.

And in return a little wish from us: Just keep on showing us the achievements of your modeling. I know, there are lots of us looking for that spitfire label...

Hi Val, Happy Birthday my friend, don't forget my slice of the cake LOL
Val? Another one?I heard that you quit counting at 21.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I sincerely hope its a GREAT ONE!!