Had to go down town today, want to ride the TTC with me?


Active Member
Aug 21, 2002
Pickering. Ontario. Canada.
Visit site
I was taken off my job today and sent down town to see the health and safty.
A procedure that has to be done when one has three months off work :cool: , I was payed for the day :p .
So I took my Camera for a ride :rolleyes:

The first shots are of our Light rail Rapid transit. This connect`s to the Kennedy subway from the East side of the City (Scarborough)

Notice the third rail pickup


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After the visit was done I wondered over to dupont st, and finally had time to shoot this underpass.
It had a date of 1913.
As I put my camera away a CP freight passed over that bridge, gggrrrrrrr :D
Next time I will be ready.


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I had a good chat with the operators, I sure miss working on the rails.

Now back on the subway to take back to my home division, then home we go :D

A few shots on the young line and the sheppard to donmills line.
Notice the spare tracks for the rush hour trains to make ready.
Shot of the centre cab where the gaurd watches the doors

That was my little outing . :)


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The Scarborough Rapid Transit is one of those magnetic propulsion things, and the bits in the middle are the magnets. (I did get that right, didn't I, Chris?)
From chatter on Transit Toronto, I hear that the cars are up for renewal, but they are obsolete and the current production (Vancouver) isn't compatible.
Here in the Phoenix area there are no such things. They pulled all the trolly cars off the streets some 60 years ago. Subways are out of the question. We are now in the process of adding "light rail" to to downtown area, but I'll guantee you that they're not going to be as much fun riding as what you got to do.:wave::wave:

Thanks for posting these Chris, that's one thing that makes the Gauge what it is.:thumb::thumb:
spitfire said:
Great photos Chris!! That underpass.... where is it? Dupont and what? I have a bunch of photo's pre digi-cam of an underpass at Dupont and Davenport, if you're interested. Would have to scan them...


Hi Val,, just north On Bathurst, above Dupont

I was amazed to see the date still stamped in the original crumbling brick work.
Would like to see the underpass you photographed Val.
There must be a few around for that cp line.
I was told that the underpass at either Lansdown or Ossington caused problems with the Flyer trolley buses - it pushed the poles down so low that the shoes disengaged. This is the reason that all the trolley buses had a little bend in the poles a couple of feet from the end.
Another trolley bus trivia that I'll sneak into the railway forum: the roofs on the busses were a fibergalss stuff and the trolley retrievers were fierce enough that when they brought the poles down, they cracked a couple of roofs. TTC installed little rubber balls on the retriever ropes so that the poles didn't come all the way down. If you get rear views of them, they are usually fluorescent yellow, green or orange (maybe pink). I'm told that they could really stick in the retriever castings. (one of the parts salvaged from the original trolleys.)