Growing by leaps and bounds


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Marion, IA, USA
Anyone noticed how many new members we've been getting lately? I counted 38 last month, and 27 already this month, which isn't even half over! Just curious as to why - maybe the fact that the Atlas forum is on its annual hiatus, or maybe due to our "fan" over at Any other ideas (other than this is the best forum going)? Anyway, welcome to all!
Bill, It's because this is our Home from home, we are just one big happy family.
I have become a member on 06/11/02.
I found this site just surf-in the web.
In the short time I have been here I have learned many new tricks and tips.
The members are very friendly and informative. There are many years of experience on this forum.
There does not seem to be any flame-wars and/or the moderators have closed a topic before it becomes a war.
Posting of pictures to see other members work.
These are just a few of the reasons why I have become a member.
And very good reasons they are too, Marty!
You've summed it up pretty well. :)
I do think we got a lot of attention because of the thread over at sweet irony of that was that it was the "flame-thrower" that carried the banner for us over there!:p
Welcome aboard Marty, & all the other new members...I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do!
This is a helpful sight

Continuing this thread. I have starting using this site a lot in the past couple of weeks. It is well laid out, has great info and I love those pictures. Once I get beyond the benchwork phase, I'll try to add some pics of my layout as well.:)
been to most of the other boards and I've learn more in the last 3 months than all the others together we have some of the best modelers I have seen so I spend most of my time here:D :cool: :p :D ;) :cool: rich
Hi all! Just a thought...
I work in the restaurant business and we do great sales with a ton of repeat guests. (in addition to the legions of "tourists" here to visit the chocolate plant and amusement park) One of our hallmarks is the genuine atmosphere and over all friendliness of our staff. People want to feel welcome where-ever they go and I'm sure that is a major attraction to this site. The "welcomes" to new members, the humor, the birthday greetings, the attentativeness (sp.) of the moderators, the prompt responses to questions....All of it leads to a great experience for the visitor.

I'm glad to come home each evening and log on for a bit. I look forward to "talking" to all of you!!!

Have a great night!

Matt--Hershey, Pa.:) :D :cool: :)
I signed up last month as I was about to commence construction of my final,(yeah, yeah, I've heard that before dear!!) layout and wanted to check out the latest thinking.
Here I found a site where info is freely exchanged and links are available to a wealth of stuff I might find handy; without the abuse and invective that some other pastimes seem to engender.
I also inhabit a couple of forums (fora?) on boating, my other pastime, and some of the postings get beyond the bounds of common decency, especially when brand names are mentioned, and I thought boating was a relaxation!!
Of course now that I've just been asked to move interstate to open a branch office all the kits, track and accumulated stuff will have to go into the trailer until a new home is established and I can commandeer a space in which to lay some track.
Until then I'll keep lurking around this board for insite.
Besides, I don't have to keep clicking on replies to read them; they're all neatly laid out here.
Welcome aboard, Triman. I really enjoy this forum, and I know you will too.:D

Boating is my other passion also. I promise not to bad-mouth any manufacturer, though :D Another of my passions used to be racing PWC's. But now I'm old and tired, and so's my little boat, so we just cruise shorelines together. :rolleyes:
Woodie, unfortunately instead of being 9 hours down the road from you I'll probably end up 48 hours away in the land of Black Duck beer and very short distances between the rails.
We're opening a branch in Perth and I've been asked to run it for a while.
Be a shame to have to change from Fosters to Swan Lager, but we've all got to make sacrifices.
BTW just been watching Discovery Channel, Power Zone, on destructive testing of things. They had about 10 minutes on nuclear flasks carried by rail and wrecked a Budd DRC, an english DMU set and what looked like an EMD switcher powered by rockets. That one went like a dog shot in the bum!!:D :D
Kewl. Moving over to Perth, I see.:cool: Not only have to put up with the Black Duck, but what are ya gunna do? Follow them Perth Pidgeons? Or the Shockers?

I think I've seen the English DMU one. A few years back. A head on they did. Seen plenty of that anyway. It happens all the time on Garahbara! :mad: :D
The job offer came out of the blue, and realistically it was a matter of take it or find a horse's head in your bed; one of those offers you can't refuse:( . But then it comes with a car and some other side benefits, like cable internet at home, instead of the present steam-driven modem:D :D .
As for the football, I gave up once the VFL crossed the Murray; now I'll find a local team in a domestic league and support them:D
BTW I believe there's some rather tasty reds available down Margaret River way; probably a step up from the usual chateau cardboard I partake of now and then;)
But I'll keep an eye out for the occassional Freight Australia "G" class on the SCT Melbourne to perth freight and dry the tears!!