Great news on Mizuirogakuen!!

Wow... some spectacular models there.. I love anime.. There's a few that I'd love to attempt, just wish I could build well enough to do them justice.. Thanks for the link Nezard..
(Just to add that all the news are to be found on the BBS section of the website)

Busy downloading......
Russell, at least I know Sinku has been reworked once, and Kokuten also once. So only the later version is released which might be the source of skipping numbers.
looks like he is running into bandwidth issues, will try to confirm from home

I have been trying to get some of these models since this topic was started.
There seems to be 31 of the 49 models that are unavailable. It also seems that the unavailable ones are all the anime girls (of course the ones that I want). Anyone know if these will be made available or am I out of luck here?
Thanks for the help.
Also I noticed that if you click on the pic you get a 404 message, if you right click and "save link as" (or save target as) then you get an empty .rar file for the unavailable models.