Good news


Jan 6, 2007
Greenfield, In
My layout was creeping along with it's progress, but I found out that my wife is pregnant with our 1st baby!!!! :shock: :shock:jawdrop jawdrop :eek: :eek: bounce7 bounce7

I guess it's going to go even slower now..... Oh well.... There's no better reason!:thumb:

It wasn't a suprise we've been trying for 18mo or so.......:?
jawdrop balloon6 bounce7 bounce7 balloon6 jawdrop
aussie aussie

looks like those 18 months paid off!
Congratulations. As the father of a 5 year old and a 2 year old, I can tell you that your world is about to be rocked! a good way of course. Hang on... it's a wild ride but well worth it! My wife works from home and I quit my job to stay at home and raise my two boys. Tell you what... I sure miss my private little cubicle and 8 hours of solitude every day but I wouldn't go back for the world! Now I can stay home and play with my trains while I raise my boys. Homeschooling comes next.
Congratulations! It is never too early to start buying baby coveralls and engineering caps. Thomas sheets, Thomas wallhangings, Thomas everything....:-D

Yup! My nephew is really into trains so I hear what you're saying.

Congrat Josh and may there be many happy miles ahead on the line!