Gloomy Place


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
I forget who asked to see a photo of the inside of the loco shed at night, but here it is.

Shamus, The burning questions:-

1) What method of connecting power to your interior lighting have you found most useful? (I've tried hard wiring up through the baseboard .... Not convenient if bulbs need replacing! Then I tried two sockets sawn off from a Dual-in-line socket just above the baseboard inside the building with lighting plugged into it ... Not very pretty in open ended buildings).

2) Did you paint your loco shed roof (interior surface) black u/coat with white as a finishing colour for reflectivity?

3) Was the photo taken using your digital camera? If so, it's a helluva good camera! :) .

Originally posted by kettlestack
Shamus, The burning questions:-

1) What method of connecting power to your interior lighting have you found most useful? (I've tried hard wiring up through the baseboard .... Not convenient if bulbs need replacing! Then I tried two sockets sawn off from a Dual-in-line socket just above the baseboard inside the building with lighting plugged into it ... Not very pretty in open ended buildings).

2) Did you paint your loco shed roof (interior surface) black u/coat with white as a finishing colour for reflectivity?

3) Was the photo taken using your digital camera? If so, it's a helluva good camera! :) .


Hi Errol,
1 - All my 12v grain of wheat are fitted into the roof, which lifts off for re-newing if needed.
2 - Yes I painted the inside a natural colour (very light brown) which suited the wood.
3 - Yes again, the photo was taken using my Digital Olympus C-700 ultra zoom. It's a fantasic camera when you get used to it. Cost a bit though.

Great work as usual. Your comment on the camera's capabilities is amusing. I picked up the same camera but my results are no way as impressive. The reasons could be related to my skill level as both a modeler and digital photographer.
Thanks again for sharing your many talents. Jim
Hi Jim,
Try these settings with your camera.

1 - ISO to 200
2 - A.S.M. to A
3 - next one down on same menu to +2
4 - SHQ
all resets off

custom f-no. to f8

when you look through the view finder it should read
A f3.5 1/2 +0.3
bottom right SHQ

Put the camera on a tripod, and use good lighting (I use daylight fleurescent Tubes)
Set the camera on 10 sec delay and take a photo.

Let me know how it turns out.

Shamus, now thats a masterpiece! (Pats you on the back) Nice work, marvelous craftsmanship and stunning photography. If I had a trophy I'd give it to ya, keep up the good work! :D
Thanks for you guidance on the camera settings. I won't be back to my layout till mid May and looking forward to getting back to 'work'. Hopefully I'll get to a stage where I will post a picture or two but it will take years before detail shots are feasible. Take care, Jim