GE-65 Ton

I'm barely started my railroad empire, and then I come up to this web site showing me my home town, I already have plans for expansion, I guess I will have to wait till my 11 year old moves out, I am sharing this room with her.

INCO is are local mining outfit out here and in the 40's to the 80's they had a large fleet, I did a quick search for the GE-65 Ton, and came up empty, does anyone make this beast.

Con-Cor used to make a Japanese center-cab that was similar. Hasn't been marketed in North America for a decade, though.
Welcome aboard! I recall a good article about INCO in a past issue of Trains magazine a couple of years ago. It included interior pics of the cabs of some of their roster...I'll see if I can find the issue.
I found the Trains issue. Its the February 2002. There are nine pages of pictures of the mine at Sudbury, both above and below ground, and pics of the inside of an electric steeple-cab and a GP38. The article focuses on the shift from electric locos to diesel at the mine complex. I won't post pics due to copyright issues but if you can't find a copy of the mag I'd be willing to send it to you. I got it for free from my wife who was working at a legal library at the time. They were cleaning their stacks and she snagged the Trains for me. I don't mind parting with it since I think it would be more significant for you than me!