Gauge Layout Party No. IV

GP IV -- When do we roll out of the station????

  • Sept 25 to Nov 6 - I'm ready Now!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oct 2 to Novemvber 13

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oct 9 to November 20 - The weekend before Thanksgiving

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oct 27 to November 27 - Ends the Sunday after Thanksgiving

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Well - I remembered a couple days late, But I got it! :)

When would you be ready to start the------- 4th Gauge Layout Construction & Building & Tweaking & Modeling & Researching Party??????

Why the long name???? To let everyone know that you can do anything "Layout or Model Railroading" related during this party.

If you want to go out & take a Pic of a Prototype train or building that you need to detail part of your layout --- go for it!! If you want to buy a book that will help you with your layout & do a book report (small & short) Please do!!! You may help a fellow Gauge Member to decide to buy the book.

Anything that will help you create or add anything to your layout is a valid reason for joining this party.

No matter when we start this one - it'll take us to Thanksgiving :) The holidays are approaching fast!!!!

Here's the link to the 3rd Layout Party

Well, Pick a choice on the Poll & Post a reply stating what you hope to accomplish in 6 Weeks worth of work. :) We'll sign you up.

The Rules:

~~~ Anything Model related is ok - research is ok on this one, but we have to have some feedback on what you are learning!!!

~~~ Pics are always a good thing (Eye Candy isn't fattening) :D

~~~ You have to have some idea on what you can do in 1 month or 6 weeks :) It feels good to actually accomplish something like this :) :)

~~~ H A V E :) F U N -- If you ain't enjoying it....You ain't doing it right!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully the yard work will be complete and I can get back to the layout. What a time to do landscaping but that will make things easier next spring.
I prefer an October start for that reason.
I'm ready now! I have joined a club and I am currently working on a module. I need to have it done before November, so the sooner we start the better. (Even though whether we start or not I will still work on it.) I would also like to finish my turntable, detail a couple loco's and start on some benchwork? I have some materials and I am just waiting for myself to give myself the ok to go at it. LETS PARTY!!!!!

I am ready, well sort of. Hopefully I can have more time this time around. I got about 75% of what I planned to the last time done.

I picked the October 9 to November 20 because it almost gets me out of my son’s football season which will equate into more available time for me.
I have decided not to make any specific plans for the next party.Gonna just go with the flow and see what happens :D .
Well I am itching to go. I have narrowed down my objectives to either working some more on the Passenger Station Diorama I did in Party #2 or weathering a steam locomotive and some minor detailing.
Any Time Is Train Time!

Well, anytime is fine with me, as I'm still trying to find time to get to the only thing I really wanted to get at last party...trackwork. I did get a little done, but still have a way to go to get that elusive full circuit running.