Gauge Layout party No. 4

Then, after we checked out the new lighted sign........

The "Owners of The MF&W Railroad" decided to take me for a ride in their private car....

Now, I, as President, have been telling these Ceo's & Coo's about how trustworthy My LPB's are!

Wouldn't you lmow - Me & half The Board of Directors are in theis car - heading up the North Curve toward "Shamus' Trestle, and......................................


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............We're talking about how our LPB's are environmentaly sound - h they respect all things....and on this nice Clear Saturday Afternoon, with the sun shining on the land..all nice & Pretty -

We hit the Northern Curve & one of the Board Members looks out teh window & sees:


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I have NO idea how that wheel got there - i haven't been up this end of the railroad, since the construction!! I have no answer how long that wheel has been buried... No answers for the Board... :( :( :(

Somewhere there is a LPB - That is in real - real trouble.............
Now, how I did it..... :)

The Light Green brush is from a green carpet that happens to be fraying :)

The dirt - is pastel chalk - spread around with my fingers - tinted as I went

The Wheels - are from the same axel - I cut the wheel in half with my bench grinder, just grinded it down on the wheel :)

Then I glued everything down :)
Seems to me then your the LPB who's head must roll even if you did use the "carpet" on your layout. :D Fred
I didn't really explain that. :)

Our cat decided that the basement rugs were old & perfect for sharpening his claws :D He's sending little clumps of green all over the floor under the layout.

Who am I, that would throw out perfectly good scenery! :eek: :D :eek:

Dont know if it can be used in other scales, but get a dark green rug somewhere & try it. :)
Some more "work" :)

You remember that thread about "What have you taken from your house & used on the layout'??

hehehehe I "borrowed" the Waterfall :)



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Now that's a good idea Mikey. My wife has one of them mood thingys waterfalls gathering dust. Never thought about using it, but now... TY Fred
Great job Mikey! Looks real nice!

With this past week I don't have much to report. Too many football games and Halloween stuff. The only thing I did was add one set of numbers to the sand dome. Still have the other side to do.
Too busy working on my module to take photos to post... :D
Let's see...I got the vehicle road laid and painted. Did some more ballasting, fixed the turnout that had gravel stuck in it, :rolleyes: got my hands on the electrical connectors I need to do the wiring (which I am still avoiding). Installed and painted the road crossings. I think that's about it. Oh yeah, I started work on my main structure for the module as well.
And today I ordered a few structures from the Con-Cor web site. :) Naturally, the ones I really wanted are no longer available. :(
I will need to visit the LHS real soon. Been awhile since he's seen my wallet. :p