Gauge BBQ Important announcement (Sticky by N Gauger)

We had our monthly Model RR Club business meeting this evening at my place.
During the meeting, Mr. Ed brought up Val's name. You are now famous in Muskoka Val.

Just one thing that was mentioned, our N Trak layout uses the 4 wire car trailer type hook ups. If you wanted to join The Gauge modules to ours, you would need this type of wiring.

If not, get all the guys and gals together and each bring a module.
There is yours, and Robin's. Who else is coming?

All are welcome, if you have a vehicle you can sleep in, you can use the parking lot at the fair, the public washrooms are open 24/7 there. Also there are lots of restaurants close by.
Not sure how it was wired, I was not in on that part of the layout construction. The layout has just turned 3 years old I have been with the group just over 6 months.

Scenery is my thing. My home layout is still at the sub-roadbed, road bed stage.

All I know is when I hook up the layout at shows it uses a 4pin connector that I used o use when I had a tent trailer, similar to my Uncle's boat trailer.
Hi Val,

I just hate to have to tell you this but due to financial constraints, there's just no way I can attend the BBQ or supply a module. I'm sorry, guys. I had my hopes up and I shot for the moon but I just don't think I can make it. It's 1,700 miles from here to Toronto one way. I was trying to put together some show dates, sort of like a mini tour that would pay my way out there and back but my agent only wants to send me to Alberta. I didn't know how to tell you guys this, especially you Val. I feel like I'm letting you down and I hate that.

Sorry for the false hopes.

Don't worry Chris. You can still join us in spirit, either by staying tuned to the Gauge for photo's from the event, or by sending a structure, vehicle, scenery item or rolling stock.

In fact anyone who wished to contribute that way is welcome. I've been thinking of dedicating a module to the work of Gauge members who can't be here but who would like to send one of the above.

We can scenic it here during the week leading up to the show. Should be fun!!!

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Val, there is 2 months until the event.

Why not have a challenge project.
Each Gauge member could assemble and custom detail a box car for inclusion on the module, the box cars would be run all weekend and pictures could be posted of all on The Gauge for all to see.
Sounds good, Val. Now I want to build something cool and send it to you. I don't know what it's going to be yet but it will probably be something in a mining theme. I'm sure I have time.

And the Clown scratches his head.
