Fly Model Nr 130 , HMS. RODNEY

Hi scorpio,

it's always a pleasure for me to watch your photos and to follow the build of your models. where did you find the place to present all your LARGE ships ? having few space is the reason for me to build small ships 8)

I should look at the in-build postings more often than just on weekends. Thank you for the avitar...I wear it proudly. An absolutely beautiful Walrus...I hope I can make mine even be recognizable as an airplane when I finally get with the program and attempt the Rodney.
Outstanding work, Scorpio! That Walrus is stunningly realistic! And thanks for all the great pics... I now have a new desktop background. ;) :D

Hello dear friends,
The battleship Rodney is already a ready.
Here I present a photo series of the ship.
These are a total of 15 photos. Later Ron can do the photos extinguishing if cover too much place.

With the best greetings