Flagmans Flags


Jan 18, 2005
Anybody out there know the size of the old two pole flags that used to ride in the caboose I know they were red yellow and green and had two poles but need to find what size to make them as I am helping restore a old cabo. at the local museum any other sugestions would be helpfull.

Just as a after note I just barely remember the running of the cabooses so any other sugestions for interior would help also.
Thanks Mike
babydot94513 said:
I am confused (as usual) but what are pole flags and what caboose are you referring to?

I guess they would be more like a small banner there was a red one a yellow one and a green one with a pole on each end. The guy in the boos could wave them over the side to signal the engnere and the sticks were pointed on the end to stab them in the ground so if they were working at the back he would be able to see that they were working and not move.
I saw them in a caboose at the Train museum nere here but cant rember the size to make them.
and any other items thaqt might be included in a older wodden caboose would be helpfull we have the desk there and the bathroom and also the stove but the rest was stripped before it arrived
Those flags was use for flagging and not stopping the train..You see the conductor could radio the engineer to stop or apply the brakes from inside the caboose and wouldn't need to flag the engineer..The pointed ends was not use to stick the flags in the ground..They was used when the flag was stuck in the end coupler of a cut of cars being moved without a caboose for rear end protection much like a marker lights on the caboose. A RED flag was always used to protect the train...
When emergency repairs are made on a train there is no flag displayed except that of the rear brakeman protecting the rear of the train by flag..Incontrast today's trains doesn't even have that protection. :(
Now any type of signal flag can be used as the railroad bought them from a supply company. :D
Inside a caboose you will find 4 bunks 2 along each wall,the conductors desk,stove,lockers and supply cabinets.
Thanks brakie the museum needs a refresher on what the flags are for then LOL but I aprecate the help you have any diagrams of what is where?:thumb:
Yes that is what I am thinking of ???

Jim you hit it right on the money the Museum had the flags in that thing to the right hand side of him but what is that really for?
I would assume flares but anywho back to the flags what collors are they just red then?
My thanks go out to all that have helped so far:thumb:
Those are fusee.They are use for signaling..If we was going to stop we would drop a five minute fusee when we would begin to slow down then about 1,000 feet before stopping we would drop another fusee..This was to warn following trains that there is a stop train ahead..After stopping the rear brakeman would take his Handlin' and a two fusee and protect the rear of the train..If the brakeman saw a train approaching then he would light the fusee and give the approaching train a stop signal..You see a fusee is much easier to see at night due to the brightness of the fusee.
The only color of flags we carried was red..
ajroland said:
I'm glad the days of train orders are gone from the stand point of safety. Too bad those jobs are gone as well.

Train orders are not really gone..You see now they use track warrants,forms and permits. :D Of course unlike form 19s the conductor repeats the permission on the above forms by radio and like the 19 subject to human error.

Are the fusees like torpedos? Or are those different? I have read about "track torpedos" being placed on the engineer's side rail as an alert to a stopped train ahead. I assumed they were some sort of explosive set off when the wheels of the loco ran over them? Were they more like a flare?

MasonJar said:

Are the fusees like torpedos? Or are those different? I have read about "track torpedos" being placed on the engineer's side rail as an alert to a stopped train ahead. I assumed they were some sort of explosive set off when the wheels of the loco ran over them? Were they more like a flare?

I am thinking that the fusees are basicly a flare from what I gather here.
I think the torpedos are like a large fire cracker that the pressure of the wheels would make a loud bang in a emergancy situation ??
If I am agine mislead pardon me :confused:
Fusees are a flare, a long burning firework.
Torpedos are an explosive device -- the ones I've seen have wires that you bend around the rail head to hold them in place. They blow when a wheel strikes them. They have to be quite powerful to be heard in the cab, and they do nasty things to little boys who bang on them with rocks.

and they do nasty things to little boys who bang on them with rocks.[/QUOTE]

how true one of the kids where i grew up hit one with a sledge hammer on exploding it drove the handle through his chest , killing him.
Here are a couple of interior shots--FYI

