First Try


New Member
Feb 18, 2003
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Ok... My first attempt at weathering anything. I think I achieved the rusty look and it seems to blend in with the scene (landscaping not finished in pics) however, it seems to be lacking something and I can't determine what it is, any suggestions?


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Looks good

Welcome to the gauge, nice weathering job.:thumb: :thumb:
I think it looks good, especially the roofs. If there was anything to suggest I'd say how about some more individualized rust streaks coming from the eaves under the top roof?

Hello Herman,

First off, great stuff! my only criticism is that it it's very neat and tidy. A little detritus would help.
in honor of Woodie that hill is now offically known as "leg of ham hill"
far be it from me to question someones naming and titling skills and whilst I enjoy rustic and humourous, may I be so bold as to offer " Mont Le Gofham"

I have a hill made with a unique and clever technique that failed miserably, looks dreadful and getting rapidly hidden with scenery that is named "Jake Loff Hill". No prizes for guessing the construction method.
Hi Herman!
Welcome to The Gauge! :) :wave:
That's some very nice modeling there! The structure & the trestle look great! :thumb:
Like Tyson mentioned, I think the only thing you really need here is a little more scenic detail...especially around the base of the structure...some dirt or sand, some ground cover, some weeds &'s gonna look great!
Originally posted by Herman honor of Woodie that hill is now offically known as "leg of ham hill":)
Where I come from, Herman, we'd call it Hog Leg Hill! :D ;)
Thanks to all for the comments and suggestions. I've been working on the scenery over the weekend but since this is the first time through its taking a while to get the hang if it. Seems like it takes me as long to get the ground cover down as it does to grow real ground cover . :rolleyes: I'll try to get some progress pics up later this week.
Well, finally some progress. I still have to add some more buildings and kinda "junk" things up a bit but I'm hoping it doesn't look to bad for a first try. Now I have to get the camera manual out and find out how to stop the flash from overexposing the foreground.


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