Well here we go. Right off the bat I screwed up and used 2X4's. In my defense, they were cheaper than the 1X4's. I'm almost ready to lay roadbed but I was waiting for another reversing module to come in at my LHS. The track sets well and the only trouble spots are at the turnouts; usually me forgetting to set them properly after a few beers.
I plan on covering most of the table with hills and mountains but the right side will consist mainly of structures and more spurs. It's a simple plan to my liking and my little girl loves it. Then again, she's happier than a pig in s**t when it's going around in a three foot circle.
All of the switches are Atlas snap switches and the wiring will come later after the track is permanently set. I've tested everything and it seems to work well.
I plan on covering most of the table with hills and mountains but the right side will consist mainly of structures and more spurs. It's a simple plan to my liking and my little girl loves it. Then again, she's happier than a pig in s**t when it's going around in a three foot circle.
All of the switches are Atlas snap switches and the wiring will come later after the track is permanently set. I've tested everything and it seems to work well.