Fake Carrier - needs a model


Active Member
Jan 30, 2006
Ohiomike got me thinking with his new/old age destroyer thread.

I'd like to see a Sub/Carrier. Where you have the surprise of a portable airfield all of a sudden appear out of nowhere.

I'm not sure what the operational parameters of a carrier and the readiness of a sub at surface. But it is interesting.


CVN-89 Saratoga class Nuclear Stealth Carrier

*just a side not the carrier in this subject is from a role playing game but one has to wonder how far off it is.
The game "Supreme Commander" has submarine carriers, and the last time I played it I was pretty impressed at how many planes I could fit inside one before sneaking it into an enemy harbour :D

Some of the game models might make for some decent cardmodels, who knows.
Did you know that in WW2 the Japanese actually built an submarine carrier? It looked like a regular sub only huge, but it only carried 3 planes (I believe that's how many). I can't rember what it was called but they sure were neat.

I remember seeing some mockups of such a craft that the U.S. Military was toying with.
Makes you wonder if they can do it. Of course the idea of a flight deck and elevators that are sealable to water pressures that a sub would recieve would get in the way of a large design.
Did you know that in WW2 the Japanese actually built an submarine carrier? It looked like a regular sub only huge, but it only carried 3 planes (I believe that's how many). I can't rember what it was called but they sure were neat.


That was the I-400 series of boats. They only built 3 of them. They were 400' long and were to carry 3 Aichi E14Y Seiran floatplanes. The I-400 and I-401 were originally going to be used in an attack on the Panama Canal but were rescheduled to attack the Allied Fleet buildup at Ulithi Atoll. The war ended before any operations could be carried out.

Mike :wave:
That was the I-400 series of boats. They only built 3 of them. They were 400' long and were to carry 3 Aichi E14Y Seiran floatplanes. The I-400 and I-401 were originally going to be used in an attack on the Panama Canal but were rescheduled to attack the Allied Fleet buildup at Ulithi Atoll. The war ended before any operations could be carried out.

Mike :wave:

Yeah that's the one :) I saw a Discovery special on it a while back.

Gremir sells a card model of the Seiran. Beautiful plane.

There was a neat RC model in "Scale ship modeler" years ago of this very type of thing. I'll see if i can dig it up.Basically it used water jets for propulsion like the theory in the movie, "Hunt for red october". Flight deck aft for launching Harriers. Hey theres the basis for a model right there.
Hmmmm Very interesting.....

Ohiomike got me thinking with his new/old age destroyer thread.

I'd like to see a Sub/Carrier. Where you have the surprise of a portable airfield all of a sudden appear out of nowhere.

I'm not sure what the operational parameters of a carrier and the readiness of a sub at surface. But it is interesting.


CVN-89 Saratoga class Nuclear Stealth Carrier

*just a side not the carrier in this subject is from a role playing game but one has to wonder how far off it is.


This is a very interesting item. Why don't you see what other reference material you can come up with, and maybe one of us designers can have a go at it.