EMD Switcher ID


Active Member
Aug 15, 2002
Cobblers Knob, IN
Anyone know who made this model? I don't see any markings on it indicating who made it. Or which EMD it is (i.e. SW-????)? It has the EMD logo on one of the truck side frames. Runs great, but I could use a few parts as you might tell :)



  • emdapart.jpg
    48.8 KB · Views: 284
Maybe a 1500? She's got the opening behind the third door and the double flush headlamp with lighted number boards on each side:


But I'm no expert on these rascals and I wonder if other ones have these features.

Hey Mr. Tingoat! How do ya like my new camera (last post)??? :D :D :D

If I'm not mistaken, a number of units looked very similar, with the two smokestacks. So SW1500 is definitely a possibility, but so are SW1200, NW2, and MP15 (all of which had two smokestacks).

As for being true to the prototype, I wouldn't bet on that, particularly for models built prior to 1995 or so.
Thanks for the input, folks! I've mulled over quite a few photo's and it seems to me that the openings on the side are unique to the SW-1500. It sure runs smoothly after clean-up of the drivers with a little goo gone.

Now the hard question is, who might have manufactured this model? That's why I show the guts in the pic, just hoping someone recognises that model. Got it on e-bay:

e-bay ad

But the ad has no real description.

A search of various maker sites and Walthers shows that the only current SW 1500 maker seems to be Athearn, who does make an SW1500 in NS black & white (part # 3904). Atlas does not seem to have made one for at least the last 2-3 years, Kato and Stewart never have made this loco, and Walthers lists only the Athearn.

So ... either it's an Athearn or a very out of production model!

- George
Fooling these old eyes....

Originally posted by jon-monon Hey Mr. Tingoat! How do ya like my new camera (last post)??? :D :D :D


If I'm not mistaken, it looks like you used your scanner to take the picture. :eek:

New camera or not, the image is much sharper!

The model is a nice one. NS livery is very attractive. Have fun and enjoy it.
Thanks for the help. That's what I thunk: Athern. I wasn't schmardt enough to go to walthers and look, I looked around at the sites of all the manufacturers I could think of. Athern looked most likely, but I was thrown by looking at the available parts, they list a "power truck" which to me means a motor on a truck, and as you can tell by the picture, it's a single frame mounted motor powering both trucks. Maybe hty're just listed as power trucks or they changed the design. If I can get some side frames, I'll make my own rails and I'll have my money's worth :)

Re: Fooling these old eyes....

Originally posted by TinGoat

If I'm not mistaken, it looks like you used your scanner to take the picture. :eek:

New camera or not, the image is much sharper!

The model is a nice one. NS livery is very attractive. Have fun and enjoy it.

You're right, I was just teasing about it being my new camera (where the hecks the viewfinder on this new thing??? :D :D ). Anyway, another trip back to the hobby shop yielded some new railings. It looks a lot nicer with railings. I'll need to pull them off and paint them, then it should look great!

BTW: What's best for securing the small uprights to the long horizontal rail? A drop of glue or solder or ???


  • emdrailsm.jpg
    31 KB · Views: 210
I hate to be a rivet counter, but the handrails should be black with the ends in white. Great engines, those Athearn SW1500's. I got the magic Athearn when I bought my WP 1502 when they came out. It runs as good as my Kato's! It runs right along my Atlas Alco switchers in the yard and just as smooth. I think I got the golden Athearn. Some of my Athearn are turds, some are ok, but NO Athearn I have ever seen ran half that good. I guess I just got lucky! :cool:
Hey, I was looking for some SW1500s recently. Does Athern still make 'em? The local hobby shops don't carry them. The NS one pictured with the flexicoil trucks is exactly what I want (except I want it in SP paint). Anyone know where the critters can be found?

Tom F
Thanks guys... I went to three stores here and not a one of 'em had any. The owner was not at the shop I have been going to for about 20 years and the kid behind the counter didn't even know what a SW1500 was (Lord help me...) :rolleyes:
Phoenix, unfortunately, is a bit of a backwater when it comes to RR hobby shops. No big monsters like other large cities. I hear the one at McCormick Ranch RR park is a bit bigger, but that is 30 miles from me and I'm lazy...:D
I stopped into a big'un out in LA a few weeks ago and the help had to slap me to bring me out of my shock. I walked in the front door and froze...:p I thought I had died and gone to heaven... After they slapped me and I came to, I spent WAY too much money. Hmm, maybe living in a RR model hobby shop backwater isn't so bad after all. At least here, I still have a few bucks left for food and rent...:D

Tom F
Originally posted by WP 709
Those things are everywhere, especially in SP paint. Something is direly wrong if that shop doesn't carry them. Look at other area shops, e-Bay or in MR ads for mail order shops. They're definately out there.;)

Yep, everywhere - in SP that is. Just Trains in Concord, Ca. has SW1500's as does RailRoad Hobbies in Roseville, Ca. The one I have came from DE who got it via E-Bay.
Originally posted by WP 709
I hate to be a rivet counter, but the handrails should be black with the ends in white.

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm not very picky 'bout such matters, but as a professional ribbet inspector, I probably should be. It will probably fall prey to the Paulsen-Knudson line and get some new paint, if they ever settle on a standard paint scheme :D :D :D I've seen these rascals as you describe
and some with yellow handrails

It's also too new for my 50's plans, so it might get kitbashed.