EL local

That's some fine looking modeling, Gary! :cool:
It's really nice to finally get to see what you're up to.
What is JGL?
I still have a lot to learn apparently. The above photo didn't post on my first attempt, the only thing I had done differently from the first one and this one was try to preview it. Is it not possible to preview before posting? This shot is a NYC Mohawk coming down from the JGL interchange, about to hit home rails. It has just come out from the helix connecting the two levels. Lighting is poor, need to work on that.

Thanks Tyson. I have a ways to go before I can post shots like yours and so many of the others. All in time I guess. Since you like the weathering, I've included the following shot.


  • rrphoto2.jpeg
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you know all that rust is from being new jeresy gary ,I go by your way every sunday and monday mornings so if you see a big wonder bread truck it mite be me driving:D ;) rich

ps if it was a 50's it would be nyc,pennsy and or the reading
Thanks to all for the kind comments. This is probably going to be just what I needed to prod me into getting more done. Summer is outdoor time so little happens on the layout. The building behind the boxcar was built from two DPM kits, don't remember which ones. I built it to fit a location a a previous layout where it wouldn't be seen from the back. The back is plain styrene sheet, one corner even has a hole where it accomodated a switch machine. Another building will need to be made which will sit behind it and be just a tad taller, the visable sides of the two buildings are viewable from different aisles. thanks again.

Two thoughts, Gary.

First, that's some serious weathering on that boxcar. Good job.

Second, seeing the photos of your unfinished areas makes me feel guilty. They reminded me that I have a whole peninsula of bare benchwork, and that I need to get back to it... one of these days...
Casey, I have got a lot of bare benchwork! Too much to do, not enough time. I'd love to finish the river in the first photo I posted, but there are two other railroad bridges and a road bridge which need to be built, plus the river banks and retaining walls before I can paint and pour the riverbed. So it will be awhile. I don't know if it will work, but I will try to attach a photo of the prototype bridge here. I had a coworker scan this from my 20 year old print and I was not able to email it to a friend due to being too large. Not literate enough to even know its size much less reduce it, may have to have it rescanned smaller? Anyway, saved it to my c drive and will give it a go. It was too big, I'll try again another time. Have a good weekend
