E-Stop your trains!

Have you ever been to far from your throttle to stop a train crash or derailment? Have you ever worked on an assembly line and pushed that red button to stop the line from crashing? Mesh the two together! A friend of mine gave me 3 Emergency Stop Buttons! I have one mounted on a support pole on the opposit of the layout. Should have done that a looooooooooooong time ago!



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Now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that's funny. I use the hand of god method. FRED
What for!

I have no need for such a button. My trains never derail or crash!

I am also part owner of a bridge in NYC that runs between Manhattan and Brooklyn, could I interest you in some options on it?

Those buttons aren't cheap, thats some friend.:eek:
A good friend!

My friend is an electronic/ electrain tech at a company near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Every year, they shut down the lines for preventive maintaince. He said in April, they will be shutting down again. I guess I will be getting more e-stop buttons and optiical sensors! If he didn't give them to me. They would go into the garbage!:eek:

Shouldn't you encase that in a glass box with a little hammer on a chain under it? :) Seriously, an emergency stop button sounds like a good thing. Beats watching helplessly from 20 feet away while your prize consist takes a header off a raised drawbridge!