E.J. Kelley Coal Co.


Now I'm AMP'd
Jun 18, 2002
Torrington, Ct.
Found this one day while taking the dog for a walk down the old NH rightaway here in town. Thought it would be an interesting building to scratchbuild. Though now a refuse co is in the building, the sign was still up, and there is a pile of coal pushed off to the side, behind the building(Anthracite or Bitimous...How can you tell the difference?). There was also an addition built recently which I did not add. I wanted just the scale room and platform. Notice the scale room is like an agents office at a train station


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That's scale modeling to a tee!
Take a walk, see something you like, & build it in miniature...
Excellent work, Ed!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by eightyeightfan1
(Anthracite or Bitimous...How can you tell the difference?).

Bitimous sometimes has a slight brownish color to it, is softer, contains more sulfer and is usually found in the west. Anthricite is jet black, burns cleaner and found in the east. Great work...
Thanks everyone!

Don...Its completely made from Evergreen sheets and strips, except the doors and windows are from kits.

Shay...Thanks for the info. This had a rusty brown color to it. Learn something new everyday.
OUTSTANDING modelling, Ed!

Mind you, after holding the beautiful Gauge boxcar (in my very own hand!!), it's no surprise to see that you've done a great job. :)

Can't wait to see this as an integral part of a street scene.
Originally posted by eightyeightfan1
Thanks everyone!

Don...Its completely made from Evergreen sheets and strips, except the doors and windows are from kits...
Thanks Ed, one day I'll be at the point that I'll be doing some scratchbuilding. It is always impressive to see what others like yourself can do and I want to learn as much as I can. Everyone here is so willing to share what they know and how they do what they do.....:) :)

I've seen that building before. You did an outstanding job in recreating it! That would be a perfect trackside addition. I am happy to see modelers preserving NH rail history, especially on their layouts. Your model captured it perfectly.

I work in the Litchfield area and am a member of the Railway Museum of New England. Now, if only we could get the Torrington station preserved in 1:1 scale! You have a great shot of it, in the photo contest. :)

Thanks again.

Eric..Been thinking of kitbashing the Torrington station. Maybe from DPM wall kits. Still working that one in my mind. BTW...The guy that runs the LHS, actually kitbashed the Thomaston station. You've probably seen it at a show. Part of the Torrington Area Model Railroader modual.

Way to go Ed - looks just like the real thing!

About those DPM parts, I did a building recently out of them and I found that the scale seemed to be a bit off, as in too big. For example a regular door is 7' but the DPM door is 8'. This may or may not bother you, but I had planned to use mine in the back of the layout but the illusion of perspective made it seem even bigger so I had to move it to the front.

Anyway, I love your model - keep up the great work!

I've seen the module, with the Thomaston Station, at the Torrington Town Hall, last year. I didn't realize he ran a hobby shop in the area. I'm still mourning the loss of Tom's Trains and Valley Hobbies, but at least they still do mail order.

I model in N scale and plan to replicate both the Thomaston and Torrington stations. You are way ahead of me at this point. You really captured the essence of the EJ Kelly Coal Company. Nice work!
