Domino Layout Construction Pros & Cons


Midwest Alliance Rail Sys
Jun 9, 2005
Near Kansas City, MO
After a long absence from model railroading, about two years ago I
was able to "pick up the thread" and re-enter the hobby, building a
respectable 8x16 HO layout in one bay of my three-car garage.

I have learned a lot from this project, and, having reached the
limits of what I can "tweak" on this layout, I am preparing to
demolish it and start fresh on my next layout in early 2007.

One of the concepts I have been strongly attracted to is the
"domino" method of construction advocated by David Barrow.

I'd like to hear from anyone who is interested in the domino
approach to layout design and construction -- advocates, railroad
modelers with experience using this technique, opponents,
I read the article and I'm not sure why David Barrow went to domino benchwork other than he may have been anticipating moving or retiring to a smaller residence and that style of benchwork lended to adapting to other or smaller spaces. Thats the only advantage I can see. It is easy to move.