DMX3000 Designed by Skip - built by me!



So I am a geek, nerd whatever you would like to call me. My job is working in Storage services. Its my boss's 5 year pinning/birthday coming up. I took pics of one of our pieces of equipment and asked Skip to make it into a model to give to him as a gift. I made a few of them.....

Thanks Skip!

Its an EMC DMX3000 storage array :)









Let me be the first to guess what it is!

Some type of storage device, no? :p

No, really, what is it? sign1
I said what it was in the post - its a storage array ;)

basically its a huge hard drive :) 230 TB (terrabytes) starting maximum but it scales up nicely from there

1000 GB = 1 TB
You made a "few"??

WOW!, I know it's only a cube when you get down to it but those photos you supplied made great textures! That was a fun design to do, no headaches or fussing over parts layouts or things fitting.

It was a pleasure to do Chris. :)
I would be rich! At least until they got their package in the mail - then I would be in jail ;)

I am going to give some to our EMC sales reps too :)

I am gonna give pep a try and make another myself. I REALLY should learn it :D

Skip - I really appreciate your help getting this made!
As I said buddy, it was fun. ;) Happy to help. :)

Though I'm pretty sure you need to use another program to create the model and then export to Pep for unfolding. ;) I know that the latest Pep release has some 3D editing features, I don't think it's capable of creating a model too.

Saying that I've not tried so I could be wrong.
So I am a geek, nerd whatever you would like to call me.

fishin for compliments huh? lmaosign1

you could rescale this to fit on a two fold business card with your company name on the other side, I know it will be small but would be a nice gimmick.
Business card! That is a pretty good idea! Worlds smallest storage array :)

I will let you guys know how it goes over :)

Dang, I thought pep did it all - like I said I gotta learn!
Nice model, I never saw any DMX3000, but several DMX1000, which is the same, but with only one frame ;)

Just one point, the front cover shoudn't be slight curved?
Yes, it should be, at this scale though its negligible plus it would have added to the build complexity - I had to make a lot in a few days ;) Some day I am gonna go take pics of the guts and make it so it opens and put stuff inside - maybe....

I didnt figure ANYONE would have ever seen one of these :D
I haven't. That's why I asked. :mrgreen:

Great idea though. Good job Skip and Chris.