Design WIP: Days of Thunder Lumina

I have all of the movie car kits in storage somewhere. If I manage to dig them out in time to be useful, I'll scan the decals for you. The only problem with them is the lack of many of the smaller sponsor logos (licensing issue).

Scott K.
I have all of the movie car kits in storage somewhere. If I manage to dig them out in time to be useful, I'll scan the decals for you. The only problem with them is the lack of many of the smaller sponsor logos (licensing issue).

Scott K.

the smaller sponsor logos you can find in just about any real NASCAR kit from that year....they were the same
Nice model! What scale is that? I saved the pics for future mate. :)

I googled the other night for most of the sponsors I saw on pics of the actual movie cars. Most of them are on my hard drive now.

I have a 1:5 scale petrol RC car here. The original bodyshell got trashed last year. I wonder if this could be scaled to make a bodyshell to fit onto the chassis? Hmm...
Nice model! What scale is that? I saved the pics for future mate. :)

I googled the other night for most of the sponsors I saw on pics of the actual movie cars. Most of them are on my hard drive now.

I have a 1:5 scale petrol RC car here. The original bodyshell got trashed last year. I wonder if this could be scaled to make a bodyshell to fit onto the chassis? Hmm...

The model is 1/25th

As far as scaling for the Petrol RC, as long as the quality in detail is there, you could scale it to 1:1 if you wanted to. Makes for great body damage when you hit something, lol

It's not got every detail. Minor details were left out for a simpler build. Though the model could be edited or detailed for larger scales. Not sure if my wife would allow a 1:1... :)

It's not got every detail. Minor details were left out for a simpler build. Though the model could be edited or detailed for larger scales. Not sure if my wife would allow a 1:1... :)

I got a High detail pattern for an old LTD NY Taxi that I want to scale up to 1:1. Just to see what the neighbors think ;)
That's not as wacky as you may think? I've seen templates very similar to card models scaled up and used to make 1:1 scale Tumbler replicas.

Starting to remap for the Superflo. :D


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This is sweet! I think an interior would be so awesome. It gives so much depth to the car. Lots of work though. You're off to a great start. :)
The textures for the 46 Superflo are just about done now. Had to hunt for a few more sponsor logos. Pics tomorrow...
Ok so the 46 cars are pretty much done and textured now. Did some quick renders for them


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Fourth car done. Next up is the Mello Yello. Much easier to do once the original textures were created. At least this way when I get to unfold the 3D model it'll just be a matter of switching textures for each unfolded model. No need to unfold more than once. :) Phew!


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Thanks mate. It's good to be doing something I used to enjoy so much. :)

Two more texture sets to do then I'll be unfolding. ;) I can always come back to model the rest of the interior...
Fourth car done. Next up is the Mello Yello. Much easier to do once the original textures were created. At least this way when I get to unfold the 3D model it'll just be a matter of switching textures for each unfolded model. No need to unfold more than once. :) Phew!

Man, it's nice to see that Black #3....I can hardly wait :)
so I noticed something, and maybe im just not looking at it right. but did you adjust the shape of the front ends? or shorten them up? To me the front ends seem different than an earlier picture you posted. Here's what I mean:


Like I said though, I may be seeing things, or maybe its just the angles. dunno. I was just curious.

Excellent work btw, and I can't wait to build them :)
I think that's just the perspective maybe?

Here's a side shot with the perspective off.


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