

New Member
I thought I saw a thread about couplers and can't find it. I did a search and didn't come up with what I am looking for. I have come to a decision that I want to be consistent with the trains all having the same coupler. I have my Bachman starter set that has the EZ mate knuckle couplers, but I picked up a couple others that have a different one, not sure what it is. Does anyone have an opinion on the coupler they use and what is good for HO?


Active Member
. . . and if you check kadee's website (, they have info on what kadee coupler to get for the vast, vast, VAST majority of locomotives and railcars. As well as special conversion info for certain items.

Russ Bellinis

Active Member
I don't know what sort of modeling you do. I'm in a modular club, and we have the capability of running some long trains on the mainlines. We have found that the Kadees work very well. The rest of the variuos "Kadee knock off" brands have serious problems. All of the others except McHenry use a plastic "leaf" spring to close the knuckle. At the last G.A.T. show I attended I bought a Spectrum consolidation, put on the Bachmann couplers since I didn't have spare Kadees with me and used the loco to pull short trains and do some switching. The maximum number of cars I pulled was probably 7 or 8 with a cabboose. After a couple of hours of running, the knuckle springs were starting to weaken on the Bachmann couplers with the knuckles starting to stretch out. Since Kaddee has come out with the #58 scale size coupler, all of my future coupler conversions will be to #58's. A couple of years ago I tried some Intermountain couplers on some cars on a train of about 30 cars. Within 15 minutes of pulling a 30 car train on the modular layout, couplers were letting go.