Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part IV

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Thanks Sir J, Sturg and others who came to my aid on CTT. I really think the guy was trying to be ugly and we turned the intent. Off to the store. Then drive home up I 85. wall1 Will probably leave a little earlier than last Sunday. Closing down computer and checking out. Chat from home. All have a great day.
Thanks Sir J, Sturg and others who came to my aid on CTT. I really think the guy was trying to be ugly and we turned the intent. Off to the store. Then drive home up I 85. wall1 Will probably leave a little earlier than last Sunday. Closing down computer and checking out. Chat from home. All have a great day.

The guy only had 26 posts in three years. I just saw it this morning at about 10 and it really :curse: me off. This is the same type of junk that is killing that forum.
Good Mornig Guys,
A nice warm sun is up this morning but it was 12 degrees at 8AM.
The guy on CTT sounds like just another a..hole with nothing better to do. Got to be expected on an open forum. I try to avoid conflict but I will jump in if it seems to be a spitefull attack.
I'm waiting for my train buddy to come by as we are going to the little TTOS show this morning. After that who knows..God bless us everyone, S.J.
Well we got the wind but NO SNOW! I guess I was a shouting there, oopps sorry. Hope YUZ GIZ in SNOWHIO are ok? Remember use a smaller shovel easier on the back. Stretch too before starting out. Only looking out for YUZ GIZ.
CHIEF, I guess some people don't have anything better to write about, might be a JIM A. clone or clown?
Good morning - doing laundry now and need to pick up some more drywall. Also have to decide what to do about windows. Part of me just wants to replace them all. Having to replace a section every year has cost me about $150 so far. I might call a glass company Monday and see about just replacing the glass. If it's a badly made frame that is letting in water or something enough to break the glass, then I guess I'll just replace them all again and this time with a different brand than the one at Home Depot. Maybe Pella or Anderson? Nothing much going on here, so you guys have a great day!
Morning all. Cold again here. No snow. Back from church. The youngest is mad because I didn't get him a donut. Wants to walk to the shop. Had his dollar bill in his mittened hands, and coat and boots on. Too bad in this day I can't let him walk the 3-4 miles or so to get there... There's no arguing with a 5 yr old who's made up his mind. LOL.
Every year when hurricane season comes I wonder why we live here (less than a mile from the Gulf of Mexico), we had to evacuate 3 times one year, then I read on here about shoveling snow, freezing rain, temps in the teens, etc. & I remember why we live here. So thank you northerners for making me appreciate my locale.
Have a nice Sunday everyone.

At first I saw $900????? ...and I have to build it???? Then I saw the photo. Very cool! I need one of those too! ...I'll need to find some fake snow for the Christmas layout that won't bind up the engines. Then I can use it indoors. The kids will love that! The Bride won't...but the kids will...and it's all for the kids right?


And of course we'd all need at least 5 of accucraft's live steam 2-8-0s to go with it...for a proper plow train.

I wish money grew on the tree in my backyard...or if not money, at least model trains :mrgreen:

The snows melting here.
Every year when hurricane season comes I wonder why we live here (less than a mile from the Gulf of Mexico), we had to evacuate 3 times one year, then I read on here about shoveling snow, freezing rain, temps in the teens, etc. & I remember why we live here. So thank you northerners for making me appreciate my locale.
Have a nice Sunday everyone.

Does this mean you don't lk snow, freezing rain and cold temperatures? :mrgreen:

Chuck did you get your snowman made? :winter1::winter1::winter1::winter1::winter1:

What is the benefit of a group on this forum?
Afternoon all!

Nice day today - sunny - maybe 65 degrees later - and then rain possible tonight.

Chief - I didn't see that post until a littel while ago - not much I could to what our buddies said. You just have to wonder what miserable life some of those guys lead to act like that.

NASCAR this afternoon! Nice sofa time in view here.

Should be lots o' posts from Buckeye today - 20+ inches of snow you need to stay inside!

My sister spoke to our aunt in Akron last night - they have been snowed in. My cousins wife has been stuck at her store for 2 days unable to get home. My cousin is stuck at home unable to rescue his wife - at least that is what he says :twisted:

Hope all are well - have a great day today!
Does this mean you don't lk snow, freezing rain and cold temperatures? :mrgreen:

Chuck did you get your snowman made? :winter1::winter1::winter1::winter1::winter1:

What is the benefit of a group on this forum?
Yes, the snowman is done. It's 18 feet tall. Had to rent a crane to put his hat on.
Did you build one?
Spring is coming. The question is when ?
CHUCK 18 feet? That's GINORMOUS! Think it will last ti first day o summer? Hang in there first day o spring is March 20th.
Here are a few pics of my car that I took this morning. Remember I cleaned the drive 3 times yesterday.



There was a guy on the Model Railroader forum last night trying to get under people's skin. Where do these people come from?

Did you notice that person never replied to all the replys???? Either was an intentional $#!^ stiring .
I belive the proper term for such acts is being a troll??:confused:
Thread has now been locked down:nope:

I found a great tool for train spotting.....CVS has a digital camera/binoculars combo for $29.99 may have to get one of those:cool:
So, I go over to CTT to see what the hub bub was and just as I was about to share an opinion it was locked, probably just as well, the only one that ever listened to me was the dog and he's been gone for 5 years!

I think spring might be teasing us in the next several days, 50's by Tuesday or Wednesday. Glad that snow storm missed us, we have plenty thank you very much, hopefully it won't all melt at once on our friends in Ohio.
Thank goodness they locked that stupid thread on CTT. No wonder that Forum is getting stinky.
The sun is still shining. It's 28 degrees out there with 7 inches of snow. One inch melted.
Chief...It was good talking to you today. Glad you called. Poor Buckeye is still snowblowing.:twisted:
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