Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part IV

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Morning all. Off to Dr. for the test. Home later today. Kurt, you out of the freezer yet. Seems you and Sir J love that cold and the white stuff. :rolleyes: Got things done in the garden so I can disk it. Rain coming in this afternoon. Could be a big down pour. Chat later.
Good morning

It's currently 39 here under partly cloudy skies.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 3/4/2008

Wind Chill: 31°F
Humidity: 64%
Dew Point: 28°F

So Far Today
High: 43°F
Low: 39°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 30mph WNW

Today High: 62 Mostly sunny. Cooler. Highs in the lower 60s. West winds 10 to 15 mph.

Tonight Low: 35 Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 30s. Light and variable winds.

60 here today. To go down from here and get 3 inches of rain.
Ran a nice 4 miler 30 degree increase in temp made a big difference in run. Felt good.
MIKEY, BIG CONGA on new railroader.
CHIEF, glad we have this place. Thanks.
All have fun,
Good Morning............
It is a rainy 38 degrees. Ground is like a sponge. Going up to 42 today, with rain all day. Turning to snow tonite. So much for 65 degrees yesterday.
Today is busy. Have shopping to do. Wife has a doctor's appt. Just a checkup.
Good luck with your doctor, Chief.
Dining car has rolled in and it's breakfast time.
Everyone have a nice day,
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp was 68 deg yesterday and 32 deg today with rain and freezing rain. :cry:

Don't forget to vote on the Photo Contest! announce1

Our project for the day is to start to take apart this S gauge layout so we can move it to the museum.


This is going into the new mountian on the S and O gauge layout.:mrgreen:
Good morning folks

It is some odd weather this morning. Temperature was 56 F as I rolled onto the road. Our high will be 67 F. We are under a Flood Watch since we are expecting heavy rain later tonight.

My daughter went to the doctors and had her foot X-rayed. Nothing was broken just a bad sprain. She is getting around on the crutches.

I have a busy morning at work this morning. We are conducting project safety reviews. We have two streetscape projects and these things are usually nightmares. The consultants have no clue how to design a DOT project and follow criteria. Most of these guys are local municipal engineers and they are used to being god. No one checks them and they make up the rules as they go along. There is a certain amount of satisfaction to watch as their egos get deflated. The third project is a bridge rehab designed by a consultant who has done a bunch of work for us so it should go smoothly. I have to run to the Scout Store and pick up a couple of things that I discovered last night we don’t have for the Blue & Gold Banquet on Saturday.

I tidied up the layout some last night. I was going to do a photo session with the TOFCs I just finished weathering but I am having problems with my portable background. As the more and more of the layout is getting sceniked the more trouble I am having with the poster board I have for a portable sky. I have an old bed sheet but I am having trouble find ways to hang it in different areas.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Just a quick howdy as not much planned for today. The sun is shining now but a lot of snow forecast for overnite. No suprise there. No big train projects planned so I'll just see where the day goes..Stay safe,,,S.J.:wave:
Mikey, congratulations! :thumb:

I think I missed a day here, a lot to read.

It was a beautiful day yesterday got up to 65 but pretty windy, I worked outside my wood shop doing some work with the skill saw that I did not want to do inside and make all that sawdust. Got the back of my head sunburned in the process. It is raining now, but still warmer than normal.

I am definitely getting older, last evening after working outside for a couple of hours, I could hardly get out of my recliner. :mrgreen:

Got 3 granddaughters and their mom coming for lunch in a little while, I will be entertaining while she has an appointment.

Spanky, That is a very nice mountain scene.

I think I am just about past that diaper changing thing. Youngest grand child is 1 1/2 and hopefully about out of the diaper stage.
Good Morning. It was in the high 60s when I came in at 8. Hope it stays on the warm side for a bit. Been raining quite a bit and heavy winds. It was about a year ago that the hospital up the street got demolished by a tornado. They have really pulled together and are starting to build a new facility. The Feds and state did a good job of constructing a temporary hospital, but we still get a lot of extra work from them. All the deliveries are done here.
I did a little looking at CTT the other day, but mostly stay away. Just checked SPF. A shame as I have gained much knowledge over there and respect Bob K. I just refuse to put up with a few spoilers.
Well, Hope everyone has a great day and that you'all are blessed.
Don Baker.......... I got the DVDs today. Thanks a lot.
They look great. There are 12 of them.
I hope the DVD player, you sent, will be here soon. I am having a hard time seeing them thru the microscope....per your instructions.sign1

Thanks again,
Doug: Sorry to hear your sick. Prayers for you and your family's survival with the kids running the house. Looks like a pizza night.

Well Doug, and all you others...I have finally succumbed to your rantings, and the pressure to win on that confounded online auction site. Looks like I am the proud owner of a 0-6-0 Docksider, in Alaska colors. I was hoping for Lionel Lines, but the price was too good to pass up. $70 delivered.

Making out a parts list for the crane...still trying on the paint. It may end up with the Krylon.

Mikey - Congratulations on the bundle of joy, he is soooooo cute! I Love Babies - too bad they grow up into teens with attitude.

Chief - hope the Dr. appt. went ok

cnw1995 - hope you & your family feel better soon

Hope everyone has a nice evening.
Big time rain here this afternoon. Took dog for her bath er walk she got soaked, maybe I'll invent a dogie umbrella? Anyway she needed a bath and I had the honor of toweling her dry. Only walked a mile but seemed farther today.
DOUG, hope all is well with the flu? Have a shot of ROCK and RYE, make you feel like million bucks tomorrow.
DENNIS I too am staying away from CTT. Only post on weekends and if asked to comment on a thread. It is a shame that a few people screw a good thing up.
B GOOD or B Gone,
HI GIZ and GAL, again,
A BIG THANK YOU, DON BAKER!!! For the DVDs, I like CHUCK have to break out the magnifying glass. Going to play them maybe tomorrow at school? Once again an EXCELLENT JOB.
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