Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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The Odysee (sp) is a heck of vehicle for a mini van. I can think of many times now that I'm retired how handy one would be when we are all together. We had a mini van and then moved to a full sized conversion van, that was the best. Especially for ski trips.

Are you taking your car to a dealer? Most independent shops will save you several hundred dollars and do the same thing. Just a thought.

Why should I help a Yankee from Ohizo? Don, that is for non-rechargable batteries. The base is suppose to stop when green. I don't think myine originally did not, over heated and shut down. Thus I had to reboot. BTW: why did you post that link to Roseyville? Now everyone on the forum will want to move here. Good night all. Rain on the way. :thumb:
Good morning folks

It was a wet 43 F as I ventured on the roads this morning. High today with rain will be 59 F. I will be on the road some today. I have a meeting with a State Representative and a property owner on one project and then we are going to field view another.

This is an up in the air weekend. Other than the bi-weekly restocking of the cupboards we have no definite plans. Maybe we will go to a local model railroad club open house.

I have passenger cars to number and airbrush weather along with the coil cars. I also have the TOFC’s to work on.

Good luck Ozzy. You are in our prayers.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Thank you, CHUCK!!! :-D WOW!!! :-o I am overwhelmed that you would give me such a great gift. I opened the box you sent me. The Lionel Chessie GP-38 will look terrific on my layout!!
And the best part is that it has two motors. :thumb: (If your remember the Chief sent me one without motors.):cry:

Ozzie...Sounding good. Caught it in time.
You are welcome, Buckeye. Hope it runs good. It does have motors. :thumb:
HELP. Streets are lined with folks from up NAWTH moving to Roseyville. Told you not to post that link. OH NO, just got report that someone from CA is trying to move here. That is worse than Yankees. We quarantine all folks from CA. They have strange diseases. :eek: PD just arrested an illegal alien from Rogers Corner. Screaming something about having electric trains and being a friend of the Mayor. :confused::twisted: Now they are after his sidekick by the name of Blueberry something. :confused: Everyday happenings when you live in the best place on earth. :wave::thumb:announce1

Damp and may have storms. Now saying Sunday is going to be cold and wet. Well, its winter. 70's this week is not winter. Off to cook breakfast [think I'll do my famous sausage and egg sandwich with lots of mustard]. Got interview with reporter at 3:30 today. Think they need to fill space.wall1 Have a good one.

The Boone & Scenic Valley train is well worth visiting. On the weekends they fire up the steamer for the trips, otherwise during the summer they use a diesel for the daily trips. It's a beautiful out & back trip and I think it's about 90 minutes-----it's been several years since we've done the trip but worth it. It does go across the valley on a VERY high bridge that is very cool. Also in Boone are several nice reasonably priced restaurants and one excellent BBQ joint. A real bonus is a HUGE hobby store with a very knowledgeable owner. Another plus of visiting Boone is that it's a main line UP route, kind of a railfan's Mecca.

Doug M., when you and your family come to Cedar Falls you should plan on going to Boone to ride the train. It would be about a 90 minute drive that's all 4 lane. You can rent the caboose for your own private party and that is a blast, the kids would love it. The also are doing a Valentines dinner train coming up.

If any of you on this board ever get close to Des Moines or Boone, I would love to come up and ride the train with you. One more thought, for those of you traveling on i80 this summer--just east of Des Moines is Trainland USA, a huge custom designed post war Lionel working layout that should not be missed. It's open daily from Memorial Day to Labor Day. And one one more final thought--if you get close to Council Bluffs/Omaha plan on at least a two hour stop to see the where UP was born, they have done a wonderful job.

Maybe I should get a job with the Iowa Tourism Dept. :thumb: For so many years when money was very tight we discovered many great places to visit close to home, it was wonderful. I firmly believe most of us don't fully realize the beauty that is in our own backyards.

Thunder storm this morn with a lot o rain. To get snow maybe Sunday nite?
DON, as CHIEF said the switch is for rechargable batteries. When mine is fully charged I shut down my Legacy. I'll plug it in about a half hour before using.
JOHN, Anything else new at BARRYs? I'm waiting for him to call me for my UP FEF. He said either this week or next. Are you going down to YORK, orange hall over the weekend? I don't think I'm going?
JIM F. not in yet still awaiting call. Glad to see you LAZ BOY is good.
Laz, I think that is wise to shut it down. I wil always think leaving mine on charge for 24 hours and it not shutting down [going to green lights] caused the base problem.

Jon, you are a good rep for Iowa. I'd rather visit Iowa than Ohizo. :twisted:
Morning all. Dark and dreary here 'cept for Ozzy's good news.:thumb:
Boy, who knew there was so much to do in Iowa?

Ran trains last night. Pileups and derailments! :eek:Percy derailed pretty consistently in the far corner of the layout. I swapped his train to see if it was a coupler issue, checked to see if he was in gauge, then put him on another loop where he started derailing in another place. A good puzzle to ponder. But it was sure fun to run them all.

Spent a delightful evening afterward researching British freight practices and the protoypical antecedents for Thomas and his friends.
Morning all from sunny AZ!

Sure beats Michigan weather. Off to Zoo today.

Buckeye: Great news on the new cat! The two motors should make up for the one the Chief sent. :mrgreen:

Brutus: A Scout??? Are you re-doing one? I have 2 1110 project engines, neither run, but I need to find a wheel puller. Just read OGR Jim Barrett's recommendations on tools. He recommends a wheel puller I have never seen. Anyone know where to get one of these?

Conflicting news from the south, A NC mayor order the roads closed saying to many locals were trying to escape. It is said they wanted to see the real world. Mayor claims he was just trying to keep the yankees out.
Enjoy your weekend,,,,Sir James
Morning all from sunny AZ!

Sure beats Michigan weather. Off to Zoo today.Kurt
Hey Kurt,
Down in our neck of the woods are ya? You mentioned the zoo so that means your either in Tucson or Phoenix. How much longer you going to be here?
Your right about it being sunny but nothing but sun and heat gets old after a while. I wish we could have some "weather" every so often!
You may remember my mentioning a tornado that swept through an area just north of us back earlier this week: here's an interesting image of the train it derailed:
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446 1/11/2008

Wind Chill: 57°F
Humidity: 29%
Dew Point: 25°F

So Far Today
High: 57°F
Low: 37°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 7mph N

Today High: 62 Sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Light and variable winds.

Tonight Low: 38 Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. Light and variable winds.

I was working on my tourist train last night and discovered that my flat black and flat white both had dried up on me. I hate it when that happens. I went to Wal-Mart to get more and found to my great surprise that they had deleted the entire modeling section. Models, paint, cement, brushes, airbrushes, everything, gone! The excuse is that there wasn't enough being sold to warrant stocking the items. I had to settle for flat black and flat white in rattle cans, meaning that I had to do a load of masking before I could do any painting. The models came out good enough, considering. I still have to fine sand them and design some decals. I'll have to find another supply of decal paper since that went the way of the DO-Do thanks to Wal-Mart's brilliant decision. They're not my favorite people right now.


OH NO, just got report that someone from CA is trying to move here. That is worse than Yankees. We quarantine all folks from CA.

Yep, I got caught. But as a NEW OTTS member I was on assignment to take some pictures of good Ol' Roseyville. I did escape, told them I had to have a minimum of 4 hours of direct sunlight everyday. So here are the pics......

I was initially met by the Chief's secretary in the outer office...


She had just gotton to work, and brought lunch. She asked if I had seen the park, and lake there. I hadn't so she said they had a great fishing hole, boating, and even horse shoes.




Mary Lou, then took me over to meet the park rangers, (whom seemed preoccupied)


Finally, I thought it was time to leave, and offered to buy lunch. But then when I got to the restaurant, I even thought better of it.


"Homewrecker Hot Dogs" didn't sound that good, fortunately they did have another restaurant in Roseyville.


Which did double duty as the Roseyville Music and Video library.


Which was closed due to the town Planning and Maintenance department doing there annual inspection.


While they were "ciphering" through the stuff to do, I made my escape and headed North.
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