Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Merry Christmas To All from NE Ohio


The RFD Chanel has a great program on Toy Trains today. :thumb: :D

Today we will be with all our family at my Mother-in-laws for Christmas dinner and presents ! ! :D


Merry Christmas

Merry CHRISTMAS TO ALL from Nashville, TN.
On the great holiday lets not forget to just say a little something fro all of our sons and daughters who are away serving this great nation and lettting us ahve this time with our families.
Hey all,
Cold wet morning in TN, trying to recover from x-mas day.Cant believe the grandkids wore me out that bad.LOL
After the holidays its back to work full steam ahead on the addition.
Right now just need to get over xmas and prep for new years.
Yall have fun,
Morning all, dog has been out, coffee is done but I'm only on my first cup, 34, supposed to hit 40, think I'm going to put my foam down today.

Have a great one.

Well dont know what to think latley been in the 50's and going to be warmer tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a great holiday.
Mike must be away havnt seen any coffee and donuts latley.
Yall have fun,
pennman said:
Well dont know what to think latley been in the 50's and going to be warmer tomorrow.
Hope everyone had a great holiday.
Mike must be away havn't seen any coffee and donuts lately.
Yall have fun,
Yeah - been sleeping in since I go to bed late, because i pick up the kid from work.. At Midnight :( Then I get to sleep at 1:00 AM and wake up at 6:30.... So hardly going to be online in the mornings, now, but I'll try :D :D :D

All I got for Xmas

All i got for Christmas was a computer that went bust. Thought that it would put an end to the on line railroad adventure. A friend came up with a used PC for the best price of all. Free! It would not take my ISP, so I fired them and changed.

Stopped by the LHS and picked up three #4 switches for my yard. My #1 Main line is now 80% swapped.from LL to Bachmann road bed track. Talked to the owner about Kato.
Said it was top quality but about 30% more $$ than the Bachmann. So far few problems with the new track. Most of my derails are due to light cars.

I got up at 8:AM and then took a nap then watched TV. Afterward I watched some more TV and took a nap. After that I fed the dog and got on line and here I am.
Morning all, got about 4" of the white stuff yesterday. Heading to Fargo this morning, going to spend the day with one son and his soon to be, then going to listen to "Sons of Poseidon" tonite. Our son does their sound stuff.

But being in Fargo means I get to go to a Hobby shop!

Have a great day all.

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