Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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I am feeling lonely, I am the only active member at the moment. Looks like all my american friends are asleep. Hope your heatwave will come to an end soon. Here in Germany temperatures droped from 100 to 65 and we are having some thunderstorms now. OK, have to return to work now. Greetings from Germany.
G'day Kurt, Bill Chief and the rest of you good people :D :D

Well after being awake for 20 minutes.. it seems that all may be right with the world by tomorrow :D

The temp is 82 with humidity at 76% making it feel like 87 already at 6:45 am... (going up to 100 again for one last time this week)

As of this afternoon, I'm a free man for 10 days (vacation) :D :D Tomorow is errand day, then Saturday a Huge flea market & car show (Macungie, PA) then Sunday, a train show..... the rest of the week is out in the open :) Maybe some layout work err play????

wdsrwg - Sorry about the rain.... but the "cool" temps must be nice... I'll let you know tomorrow when it finally gets here :)

Well, that's it for now, off to the showers and wwork.. see you all later!!!!! :D :D :D
Morning all. Mom was taken to hospital yesterday. Mostly 90 years old and run down [not taking meds and eating right]. She has won a sitter for 24/7 or a trip to the nusing home. I know she will choose the sitter which she has refused until now. Hot and humid. Going to water garden. Later
Morning From Tn

Still hot and muggy and getting worse, cant wait till this breaks. Just a little rain please?
Maybe I'll was my truck again this weekend..HAHA
How is your mom Chief . I wish her well.

Weather is the same every where. What happened to all this global warmimg talk?

CNN and the rest never bring it up when it's hot, why is that.

I figure the bigger the engine in you SUV, the coolder the AC, LOL
Morning all. Hope the guy finishes the flooring project. 3 days aof a 1 day project. He has done a great job. Mostly put chest freezer back in room and finishing touches. Got to go east again and take Mom home from hospital. Train show tomorrow AM in Raleigh. Later
all in a day

Well folks it finnaly rainned a bit cooled it down some but, we will see what this weekend brings.
Glad to hear your Mom is doing better

Worked on this a while this week.

Nice building, looks good.
I try and save those projects for those long cold winter months. But then again who the hell wants to be out in this heat.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
Where the temp is 68 deg and headed to 85 with Blue Clear Skies.

We have finish the clean up from our flood and our trains have survide without any damage to the layout. We hook them back up to the DCS TIU this past week and put power to them. All looks well. :D aussie balloon6

Maybe things will get back to normal now,except our A/C unit died this past Thursday night. So we now need to replace it. :cry: wall1


Morning all. Didn't get to check in yesterday. Stayed busy shimming and installing a new threshold at the back door where new tile floor was installed. Was it a hot and humid job. Door had to be cut off and it was HEAVY. Got to mow today even though it has not rained. Need rain bad. Suppose to be another hot and humid one. Have a good day.
No I missed that, I dont go there often.

The one I did was a kit in HO.

I plan on scratch building one in O soon perhaps.

I assume you want one in O gauge?

I dont know Chief, not much but let me see how this works out and how tuiff or easy it all is.

I may not be successful.

In ho from the wathers kit I could do it easy.
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