Code 83 Track.

Thy cheapest one ...

If you are looking for the least expensive code 83 flex, go for the Atlas. However, if you want the nicest quality code 83 flex, consider Shinohara.

Both are good products. The delta in price between your Local Hobby Shop and the Internet, after you pay for shipping is not that much. For example, today I bought 20 39" sections of HOn3 Shinohara, joiners, spikes, various straight length and radii track laying gauges (A MUST for any flex track) and paid about 10-15% more than I could have on the internet.

Why? Because for the extra $20 they provide me a wealth of knowledge so I do things the correct way - I trust them. Do I buy everything from them? No, but I do give them quite a bit of my business. Good relationships are priceless.


"Some people know the PRICE of everthing and the VALUE of nothing".
thanks, its just that my LHS charges almsot 4 dollars a peice and I am going to be buying quite a bit at one time and it would be cheaper online. plus im in there enuf buying other stuff :)

Talk to your LHS just the same. If you are buying a lot at once they might work in some kind of discount. When I owned my own shop, I would do discounts like this all the time.

Yep. Perfect order.

I know this place has some customer service issues if you have to call them on the phone and deal with them (because it's very hard to understand their English), but their prices on some stuff are hard to beat.

The other customer service issue I had with them personally is that they wanted to charge me for a re-stocking charge for 13 turnouts that I wanted to exchange for larger ones. I said BS to that and sold the turnouts on Ebay.