Choosing a DCC system


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Hey, I'm doing model rr for the first time, but being pretty aggressive on my goals. I'm doing an n-scale 6x8 setup, with at least 5 locos, 6 mainline turnouts, plus a railyard and harbor (more turnouts, about 9 total). In looking at dcc systems, it seems the DCS50 would
do me good, unless there is some limit on turnouts or locos I don't know about. The only known issue I have with the DCS50, is that I'd love to do the computer control eventually, which seems like that lends itself to the DB150, which is also twice the price.

Would I be best advised to go with the cheaper system, assuming in a year or two when I want to go computer control, the computer controllable systems are cheaper? Or should I just go with the with the DB150 from the start? Also let me know if there is some other limitation on the DCS50 I missed that may cause me to want to go with the more powerful DB150.
If you want walk around, you need to buy an extra throttle, as the Zephyr (DCS50) is more in the style of the old powerpack. You can buy jacks from Digitrax or wire your own 6P6C telco jacks for a couple of dollars each.

As far as using a computer in combination with the Zephyr, I do not think there are any limitations, despite Digitrax's somewhat cryptic message:
starter sets are not designed for automated train control
I think that the JMRI software can be used with it. There are members here who are more knowledgable about this than I.
