Challenger help


Feb 7, 2007
Phoenix, AZ.
Hi out there:wave:
Anyone ever had to get the tender apart on the Challenger by Athearn.
I sure can't find a way to remove the cover. Don't want to force anything and break any parts. :eek:
I hope someone out there has had one apart, as I sure need to get inside to repair.
Thanks in advance
Luuucy! You got some 'splaining to do! How is it you got hold of a Challenger and didn't share that choice piece of information with us? All kidding aside, what's the deal with it? Does it belong to someone else and you are trying to fix it or did you finally go and buy one only to have it break in the first week like my first one did? I've never cracked the lid on mine and so can't help there.
Hi Woodone,
2 of the members in our N scale club have Challengers, I can ask them.
Or If you make it to the show this Saturday I can introduce you to them
Thanks Ray:
We are still planning to make it to the show this Saturday.:thumb: We as in, Don (ezDays), Tom (TrainNut) and my self(woodone).
If I don't have it apart by then I will sure be looking for some help. :confused:
I can't belive how it is put together.wall1
Luuucy! You got some 'splaining to do! How is it you got hold of a Challenger and didn't share that choice piece of information with us? All kidding aside, what's the deal with it? Does it belong to someone else and you are trying to fix it or did you finally go and buy one only to have it break in the first week like my first one did? I've never cracked the lid on mine and so can't help there.
I will explain when we meet this Saturday.:eek:ops:
I asked one of the guys in the club that has one and he said that insturctions say "Do not open, no serviceable parts." And he is a person that normally has no fear of tinkering with the engines.
Well the way I look at things is-- Someone put it together so I should be able to take it apart.sign1 Not sure if that means using a large hammer or what. hamr
I would guess that the manufacture would not want you looking inside, they want you to send it to them for repairs. More $$ for them.
BTW did you get the PMs I sent to you?
I scanned the images from the manual. Let me know if this does not work and we can meet and you can simply borrow the manual. I'm down at Indian School and I-17 every day around 3.



Thanks TrainNut:
That is all I needed- just so I could see what went where.
Got her apart.bounce7 They are pretty good at hidding the two small screws that hold the tender body on. One's under the rear water hatch ( you have to pry it off) and the front one is under the oil or coal bunker. You have to slide the bunker to the rear and it pops off, then you can remove the screws. Pertty tricky stuff, if you don't have a picture or somthing to go by.
Thanks for your help:thumb:
Yes I did, thanks for the info.

He was thinking that the reason to not take it apart was because there were so many things packed into it that it must be pretty hard to get everything back into the exact right spot to fit.
Yes there is not much room left in there after they put in the speaker and the PC board in there.
With the help of TrainNut I got her apart. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!sign1
If that is hard to read, I tried to get one more a little closer up of the front end that appears to be a little easier to read. Hope it helps.