Caprica - U-87 Cylon Troop Commander


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
New York, NY
I've always been obsessed with the original Cylons from the BSG prequel Caprica. Although the series did not live up to my expectations (playing out more like a drama than a scifi prequel to BSG), I thought the Cylon Origin arc was pretty frakking great. The climactic scene during the Atlas Arena attack was simply amazing, and one thing that stuck out at me was the Troop Commander U-87, which we can consider to be the first "real" Cylon Centurion.

Anyway, having bought the U-87 figurine, I felt no need to model the "naked" U-87. This model is actually not that new; I started it back in June and would have remained in the reject bin had I not decided to resurrect the project. I managed to get one testbuild done, but never decided to actually upload the model.

The first testbuild:

The original model was supposed to have a base modeled off the Graystone proving area, while the robot would be equipped with two HK G36K

Alright, I think I've gone as far as I can with the redesign. I planned to redo the PASGT-type helmet to be cylindrical as opposed to the boxy design, but I realized that the PASGT is a lot squarer in shape than it is cylindrical. Also, instead of the HK G36, I've included instead a couple of VERY simplified cylon pistols.

I like the simplicity of this model. An added bonus to the model, is that the parts have enough graphic details to allow it to be embellished with raised and recessed parts. I am overwhelmed at the moment with different projects to include papermodeling but I will place it on my to do list when available. Thanks for sharing.
I have to say that the idea that you had for the base modeled off the Graystone proving area, was a good idea as well.
I think that it would make for a really good display stand for it.

(Sorry for the after thought.)

You do all your models WITHOUT a 3D software? I mean, you're old school, using only ruler, compass and calculator? No 3d unfolding?
If the answers to those questions is YES, then I must respectfully bow and take off my hat to you, sir!

You do all your models WITHOUT a 3D software? I mean, you're old school, using only ruler, compass and calculator? No 3d unfolding?
If the answers to those questions is YES, then I must respectfully bow and take off my hat to you, sir!
Yep, everything is done without the aid of 3D programs. It's probably quite evident in my utter inability to do organic shapes, hahah.

But thank you so much for your kind words as always!
Dear RMT, you have earned my deepest respect. Doing all these fantastic models BY HAND, getting the overall shape right and releasing them so fast is absolutely overwhelming. It's so good to have you on board! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
I think you are an inspiration. Many of these models can be made without any kind of software. This is how it used to be done. I was a machinist for 16 years. I made bulkheads for helicopters and these were made out of aluminum and titanium and in the early days, a slide rule, and many measuring devices, compass, rotary tables sitting on top of x-y tables with a rotary table on top of that, were used to make parts. When CNC machines came along, it really sped up production, but only the people who knew the concept of how to make the part manually excelled at doing it with a computer.

I trained many people how to operate CNC machines but could train very few to program them, they could not conceptualize where to start from. That made a big difference in how much you got paid. There were those who could load a part and push a button, and others, like myself, who designed the tooling, designed end mills, designed the fixtures to hold the parts and then wrote the programs. There were no schools for that back then. You get a 1500 lb. chunk of aluminum, figured out the grain, then you had better see the part in there, or you first cut could make that piece of metal scrap, and I saw that done far too many times. If layoffs came around, I would demand a raise, seeing how there were less people, I figured I should get more money. I was never turned down for a raise, though I probably didn't make any friends either, but who cares, what have they done for me lately!

Being able to make these parts and eventually having them come together as models is excellent. You could make organic shapes, you just have to start folding paper over organic shapes and then seeing where it is going to rip, realize that is where the relief cut goes. With CAD software, that is essentially what you are doing. There is no magic because if the shape will not unfold, the computer does not show you how to make it unfold, it just tells you it won't. It is up to you to figure out the method to make it work. If you can't do what RocketmanTan is doing, or at least understand it, you will not realize CAD's potential.

A big spoon is a good way to learn how to make organic shapes. Gently pushing the paper in, look where the creases start, and either cut it there, or some place else so it doesn't crease there. You gain control of the material. Just look at some of the cockpits made out of paper. I have seen some that are astounding.

If you use a printer with pigment ink, you can wet the paper, the ink will not run (within reason) and shape the paper that way. I showed a guy how to do that here with a support for a gun, but he had a big head and could not take suggestions. When I posted a picture of the part, it was a compound curved gun support. You can make old style fenders for cars using spoons and water. This method is used to make strip mahogany hulls for sailboats and is very old. P.T. boats were made with this kind of strip construction, as it is very strong. Multiple layers going crisscross pattern on each layer with the epoxy in between. The same is done with Carbon Fiber.

I think this model is incredible. I don't see how having a CAD program could make it any better. Greeblin' is what usually makes a model pop, but that has nothing to do with CAD. IMHO. :)
I think you are an inspiration. Many of these models can be made without any kind of software. This is how it used to be done. I was a machinist for 16 years. I made bulkheads for helicopters and these were made out of aluminum and titanium and in the early days, a slide rule, and many measuring devices, compass, rotary tables sitting on top of x-y tables with a rotary table on top of that, were used to make parts. When CNC machines came along, it really sped up production, but only the people who knew the concept of how to make the part manually excelled at doing it with a computer.

I trained many people how to operate CNC machines but could train very few to program them, they could not conceptualize where to start from. That made a big difference in how much you got paid. There were those who could load a part and push a button, and others, like myself, who designed the tooling, designed end mills, designed the fixtures to hold the parts and then wrote the programs. There were no schools for that back then. You get a 1500 lb. chunk of aluminum, figured out the grain, then you had better see the part in there, or you first cut could make that piece of metal scrap, and I saw that done far too many times. If layoffs came around, I would demand a raise, seeing how there were less people, I figured I should get more money. I was never turned down for a raise, though I probably didn't make any friends either, but who cares, what have they done for me lately!

Being able to make these parts and eventually having them come together as models is excellent. You could make organic shapes, you just have to start folding paper over organic shapes and then seeing where it is going to rip, realize that is where the relief cut goes. With CAD software, that is essentially what you are doing. There is no magic because if the shape will not unfold, the computer does not show you how to make it unfold, it just tells you it won't. It is up to you to figure out the method to make it work. If you can't do what RocketmanTan is doing, or at least understand it, you will not realize CAD's potential.

A big spoon is a good way to learn how to make organic shapes. Gently pushing the paper in, look where the creases start, and either cut it there, or some place else so it doesn't crease there. You gain control of the material. Just look at some of the cockpits made out of paper. I have seen some that are astounding.

If you use a printer with pigment ink, you can wet the paper, the ink will not run (within reason) and shape the paper that way. I showed a guy how to do that here with a support for a gun, but he had a big head and could not take suggestions. When I posted a picture of the part, it was a compound curved gun support. You can make old style fenders for cars using spoons and water. This method is used to make strip mahogany hulls for sailboats and is very old. P.T. boats were made with this kind of strip construction, as it is very strong. Multiple layers going crisscross pattern on each layer with the epoxy in between. The same is done with Carbon Fiber.

I think this model is incredible. I don't see how having a CAD program could make it any better. Greeblin' is what usually makes a model pop, but that has nothing to do with CAD. IMHO. :)

I'll certainly follow your advice! Always wondered how people did organic shapes without CAD. And what you said is certainly true. It is one thing to know what buttons to push, but to understand - to see the final product within the block, or whatever medium you're working with - is something completely different, and that is what separates skill from mastery.
I have found Rhino3D to be the best program for organic shapes. Probably because it models using N.U.R.B. (Non Uniform Rational Bezier Splines) and this puts it far ahead of many programs. it is the way Rhino3D utilizes this method, first discovered in the 1950's. AutoCad, to me, my personal experience, is the most non intuitive program I have ever used. Rhno3D just seems natural. Pepakura cannot touch this kind of modeling but can lay the foundation , like an armature, to create something better in Rhino3D. I don't use Pepakura, but do have respect for some of the magnificent models made using it.

I have to use Rhino3D as I make objects that become parts that have nothing to do with paper models. But Rhino3D is a great program for paper models, and with a student license, you can get a fully functioning commercial version for $200 dollars!

I extracted a lot some of the Nausicaan Gunship from this pictures, and a few others, to get the model. Everything unfolds in this model. This would have been a bit more difficult without a computer, but only because of time, you can save a lot of time with a computer with something like this. It can be done without a computer.

When I made models without a computer, when I was very very young. I would build the formers, the firmly mount the frame and use a string to measure each former and measure the wide and the height difference. This gave me the panel lines. Measure the strings for length, the height difference gave me the start point of the panel line and the width was how wide the panel line would be. That is essentially what the CAD programs do. I have seen some really convoluted methods people use when using Rhino3D, and it is really bad. Computers equation, cr@p in=cr@p out.

An example of NURBS modeling. This lines can be extruded into surfaces, or revolved into solids, etc. :)



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