Building : UHU02's EVA Pod


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
Hi there,

this will be my firtst build of an UHU02 model. The first mind, as I saw the templates, was, WOW, what a difference. Some parts are so tiny, that I should better ask an Ant to fold them :-D

But I will try it anyway.

Here are the first Pictures :








Hi chakotay. I´m glad somebody is finaly building this model. I´ve started with the Pod a week earlier and I am at exactly the same point as you are. I will start my thread very soon and I´ll be watching your progress carrefuly. Good luck and enjoy :thumb:
Chakotay, this is looking great. I haven't built up the nerve to try this. God job!! :)
Cool, i am not alone :-D Thank you Wedge and good luck to you too ;-) ...btw. did you found the place, where part 11 + 12 has to go ?

@Zathros : thanks alot :) I was not sure if I should build this model or not, because it seems so difficult. But I want to give it a try because I love this one. Initially I wanted to build the Aries 1b, but it is much more difficult to build as the EVA Pod. So I will gather some experiences on this build and maybe the Aries 1b will be the next.

ps. sorry for my bad engl. I hope my writing isn't not clear ;-)
This is one I've been too intimidated to try. I'm going to follow this build closely. What a great start!
Your English is much better than my German.

In Englisch würde man sagen: "ps. Sorry for my bad English. I hope my writing is clear!"

You writing is perfectly clear.
I don't see any tiny parts, just a bunch of regular size parts, and some Huge ones, lol

Great Job so far, your doing a Wonderful job. I'll be watching this build closely :)
When you complete this...your going to have a great model..
Not many people will have this.
It looks awsome so far.
You are off to a GREAT START!!!
All of the lines looks CLEAN and CRISP.

The only thing that I could recommend, would be to colour the edges. For that, I use water paints and a VERY LIGHT brush stroke. It gives the model a more finished look.

Always there...

UHU02 model is already a WORK OF ART. You're doing great, go for it, but do take time to enjoy both your and UHU02's works. You'll see the model will come along greatly!:thumb:
One more thing: when I built my UHU02 model, I came to a terrible "accident", caused by yours truly:cry:. Fortunately, there were skilled builders who offered me great advice, and helped me save the model.:mrgreen::cool:
My point is: everyone here wants you to suceed, and will help you in whatever possible way, so you're at the right place, at the right time!:twisted:

You are doing great job so far. I´m building it at my work, so the progress is really very slow. You are ahead now :) At home I´m now working on the Discovery XD-1 and the Moonbus and Aries are printed as well. This is gonna be "The year of UHU " :mrgreen: (because I´m patiently waiting and watching his X-wing too :rolleyes: )

I´m not sure with the 11 and 12, but I´m gonna put them somewhere near the chair :p
Thank you Rhaven, that's a good idea :)

...and I guess, I'd figured it out, where the parts 11 and 12 should go. I think it must be the "stand" of the seat... correct me, if I am wrong.

Ok, here are the next steps :







UHU02 models are work of art, but very intimidating!
I think the grid of your cutting mat is 1cm wide (we both live in Europe)... some parts are really small.
The Pod is turning out really good.
what is your paper tickness/weight? It seems to be regular 80gr/m2 paper
Thanks alot Marco and Aleks :)

Yes Aleks, the grid is 1 cm and I am using 80g paper. I know, for some parts it should be abit thicker, 100 or 120g, but I have only 80g and I will try to improvise.
with the lite paper you could run into problems with rigidity. but those con be overcome with laminating.
Well, the truth is, all UHU02 models are very well sized. The reason why some parts appear so small in the pics is that the models are assembled by giants with BIG hands using BIG instruments. For example, the tooth picks in the first pics are no tooth picks but sharpened logs in reality. :mrgreen:


P.S.: Great work so far! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
LOL yes, sometimes I feel like a giant :-D but anyway, I really enjoy building UHU02's model.

....and without those small parts, it would not be the same ;-)



